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Credits, the currency of the Galaxy. This currency can get you anywhere in the Galaxy, if you chose to spend it wisely. Boba Fett, the infamous Bounty Hunter hired by Darth Vader himself, has recently received the massive Credit reward for murdering the Jedi Master Zeja Hera, in a race for survival.

Orbiting the planet of Dantooine, Fett drifts into the trading city of Malui to repair his damaged Mandalorian armor, from a recent duel with the Jedi Master.

"This looks like the place"
Fett says as he feels relieved.

Fett deploys his landing gear, and slowly descends into the heart of docking bay T907. Fett exits his ship carrying his EE-3 Carbine, just incase smugglers want to 'negotiate'.

Fett approached a man clothed in robes and heavy clothing.

"Hey, could you point me in the direction of the Malui Engineering Corp?"

Fett wasn't familiar with the surrounding areas, as he has only been here once with his father during the Clone Wars.

The man replied in a raspy tone. "Continue through the main road down to the town center, then make a right, and you'll see a building surrounded by Stormtroopers"

"Alright thanks."

Fett walked away in the direction he was told, he wondered why the Empire would control such a quiet trading world such as this.

The surrounding Stormtrooper patrols nodded at Fett as a greeting, as Fett has worked with the Empire several times before hand.

"This place, huh?"

Fett was displeased, he thought a wealthy world would have better architecture. Fett noticed some old B1 series battle droids from the Clone Wars. Most of the merchandise here was CIS remnants.

"Hey who's in charge here, I need my armor repaired."

They just looked at him and laughed.

"Look at this bantha fodder, ordering us around, didn't anyone teach you manners boy?"

The smugglers laughed and walked up to him looking for trouble.

Fett looked at them like they were stupid.

"You don't know who you're talking to, I suggest you educate yourself scum."

Fett was quick to reply, and the smugglers grew furious.

"Listen here metal man, you're gunna learn some respect!"

The man approached Fett with a D-19 blaster pistol in his hands, and aimed the gun at him


The man screamed out, as he fell to the floor, Fett had countered the Man before he could shoot first.

The other two men were surprised, quickly pulling out their own blaster pistols.

"It would be unwise to try to assault me, if you want to keep your lives, I suggest you leave now."

Fett didn't have time for them, but they didn't stop for a second. They fired bolts at him, Fett swiftly moving to the left, aiming his EE-3 at the bigger man.

Fett's shots hit the big man at blistering speed, as the man fell. The Quarren alien fired his B-28 pistol hitting Fett's left leg. The Quarren was about to fire another shot until he backed away with a fearful expression on his face as he retreated into the close back ally.

"After him!"

Stormtroopers chased after the crook.

"Tch, lucky for him, my gear is damaged."

Fett was irritated, he just wanted to get off this rock, but he couldn't until his gear was in full condition. Fett approached the building.

"I'm through playing games, repair my armor unless you want trouble"

The Ishi Tib nodded in fear as Fett turned in his gear for repair.

"I'll return tomorrow morning, if it goes missing, or is destroyed, I'll kill you, so take good care."

Fett placed the credits on the table and walked back to his ship, still holding his EE-3.

Boba entered his ship to sleep the night off, waiting until the morning. The morning that would have many surprises in store for him. The morning that would change everything.

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