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Neon swirls of light poked through the ally way where the three were clashing. Dex of course was outnumbered with Fett and Grievous on the same side, but he still posed a challenge for the duo. Dex slammed his double bladed saber into Grievous's defenses, knocking him off balance, but with Grievous's build he was swiftly back on his feet.

"It will take more than that to defeat me."

Dex grew angry, he twirled twice in the air before clashing with Grievous, angrily assaulting the cyborg, but the General overwhelmed Dex, grabbing him with his claw like feet, and crushing him down below on the slate. Dex hissed, as he grabbed his saber and slices Grievous's leg, nipping it, but not damaging it severely.

"I will finish, what you started!"
Dex sounded eager.

Grievous grew tired of defending, so he took the chance to find an opening.

"Now it is my turn to attack!"

Grievous coughed before he lunged out colliding the blades with great force. Dex stumbled, gripping the bars behind him, and leaping off, aiming below for a slam attack. Crash. A sound of thunder was heard overhead, as rain started pouring down.

"Die, traitor!"
Dex slammed down, flinging Grievous to the piped wall with crushing force.

Grievous roared, as he grew angry disconnecting his arms, splitting them into four. Grievous was now a more dangerous foe.

"I left for a reason, and you, you were to blind to see the truth!"

Grievous spun his blades, crossing and weaving them in several points of contact with Dex. Pipes were split as the sabers nipped the walls, as hot steam spat out of them. Dex leaped upward on the high ground above, looking down at Grievous from the top of the roof. A burst of flame crisped Dex's back, as Fett's wrist rocket slammed behind the saber wielder.

"Now you end here."
Fett calmly said as he aimed his EE-3 at Dex. Red lasers flashed from the muzzle of the gun, as they slammed into the Sith.


Dex stumbled back, tripping down to the ally below, where his body would crash onto the stone floor, creating a small dust cloud. Fett boosted down next to Grievous, who walked towards Dex.

"It would seem as if you were beaten."

Grievous gripped Dex's saber in his hand, which was now switched off.

"Y- you.."
Dex growled.

"Just finish me off, I'm beaten."

Grievous turned to Fett.

"Do grant him his request."

Fett nodded, walking towards Dex with his blaster.

"Say hello to my father for me."

Instantaneous flashes of light gleamed, as Dex's corpse lay on the dusty ground, as sirens came closer. Coruscant guard was on its way.

"Let us reach our destination."

Fett nodded to Grievous's statement and fallowed the cyborg to Club Tara'i to meet up with their allies. After they meet up, Grievous would explain the next step in their journey. The Truth was in far sight, and the four were all eager to uncover the reality of the collapse of the Republic.

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