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Boba Fett was seen as a heartless bounty hunter with no emotion, but Pax's message had struck a sadness into the Mandalorian. Fett nodded to Grievous who remained quiet. The General was deep in thought as Pax's death left a mark on him as well, which was rare, as Grievous was also known to be heartless.

Ahsoka cries out in sadness and regret.


Tears dropped to the already wet walkways of Coruscant city, as the Togruta female made her way back to the group of two.

Once she did, the group moved towards the Jedi temple, not a word spoken.

Sirens and Ties were all that were heard flying overhead. The pounding rain also seemed to be making the mood sadder than it already had been.

"We are one man down, but I shall continue this mission as promised, our Clone ally wanted this mission to be completed."

Grievous was the only one who spoke, Ahsoka was deeply saddened, and Boba kept to himself, deep in thought.

A loud boom shook the sky, as the group peered up to see a Star Destroyer jumping out of hyperspace. This was unusual, because there was already a blockade of Star Destroyers orbiting Coruscant. Several Imperial drop ships landed on nearby landing pads.

"This clearly is going to be an issue for us, this was unexpected."

Grievous coughed.

"From my experience in the Empire, I know that this has to be an important calling, maybe someone of importance has arrived"

"Emperor Palpatine, Lord Vader, or anyone else of high importance."

Ahsoka looked up at a passing landing craft.

"It's him."

Ahsoka took a deep breath.

"I sense it, I know it's him."

Grievous approached Ahsoka.

"Who are you referring to, Tano?"

Ahsoka gave Grievous a serious determined look.

"My old master, Anakin..."

Grievous straightened up.

"General Skywalker is alive and well I see, but I am wondering if General Kenobi is with him."

Ahsoka shrugged.

"They're headed towards the Jedi Temple, so we must intercept them quickly, lets go!"

Ahsoka, along with General Grievous and Boba Fett, made way towards the Jedi Temple, which now lies in ruins.

Aboard an Imperial drop ship, Troopers line up in two lines of four, making a squad of eight Stormtroopers, all who line up behind a single man, whose mask makes a frightening sound every inhale and exhale. This man in black cybernetics and a black cape, was known as the fearsome Sith Lord, Darth Vader.

The now group of three, approached the Jedi Temple entrance, what these three were going to find in this Temple would change the Galaxy's view on the Empire forever, not as a military power, but as a keeper of Dark Secrecy.

The Bounty Hunter, The War General, and The Gray Jedi. Arbiters of the Truth, and Seekers of Secrets, whatever it may be, they were prepared to face it. Even if it meant confronting the Sith Lord, Darth Vader himself. The Force had brought them all to this single location, as if it was guiding them. Guiding them to the Truth that lay ahead. Ahead, of The Arbiters.

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