Leo: Puppies

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I love dogs, especially puppies. They are the cutest little things on earth and I honestly believe that dogs are too good for humans. We don't deserve to have them because they're so loyal and innocent. They just love their owners for who they are and never fail to be by their owners' side.

So can you imagine my reaction when I saw 3 little stray puppies left at the park near my house? I freaked out. I was walking back home from work one evening when I passed by the park and saw a huge cardboard box by the side of a bench. Curious, I hesitantly approached the box, hoping that there wasn't some dismembered body in there. As I slowly crept over to the box, I started to hear whines coming from the box itself and I felt my heart drop slightly. What could possibly be in there?

I placed my hand over the lid of the box before letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. As I breathed in, I opened the box and saw 3 cute little puppies with their bright eyes looking straight into mine, their tails wagging from the sudden attention of a stranger. I instinctively let out a huge "AWWWW" before continuing "Who left you guys here?" I cooed as I petted them wondering why someone who leave these adorable puppies here.

The first puppy stood up on its hind legs as it panted, beckoning for me to play with it. It had fur that resembled the colour of coffee and it seemed to be leader of the trio as once it started barking, the other 2 puppies would follow suit whatever their leader was doing. The second puppy had fur that was pure white in colour which reminded me of snow. It was the silliest one of the three. Why, you might ask, well as the second puppy was attempting to follow their leader and stood on its hind legs, it failed and fell backwards onto its back. It then started to squirm around, as if it was a turtle that fell on its back and was unable to recover, only to get back on its paws and shake its head in an adorable manner. The third pup had fur that was black in colour and was probably the shyest one among the three as it chose to maintain a distance from me when its other puppy friends were fighting for my attention.

I cooed at them, enjoying my little play time with them. I knew that I had to keep these puppies because I felt a connection with them. Sounds dramatic, I know. But when it comes to puppies, I'm like putty. I called my roommate aka my BFF to ask if we could keep the pups at our shared house.

"_____, you know that I'm allergic to dog fur, we can't keep them!" my roommate insisted even after I pleaded with her and bribed her with food. I understood, though, she gets really bad allergic reactions when even a single dog hair touches her skin so she wouldn't be able to survive with 3 puppies in our house. I sighed before hanging up and giving the puppies a sad look.

"I'm sorry, kids. I can't keep you," I sighed as I petted them once more. They seemed to understand what I was saying as their energy level dropped as well and they gathered around my legs. I tried to walk away but they simply followed me, tails starting to wag furiously again. Did they think I was playing catch with them? Ugh, I can't just leave them like that. I stood there, trying to think of what I can do for the puppies.

"I know! Stay here, okay? I'll be back ASAP!" I commanded, placing the puppies back into their cardboard box. This time, they didn't try to follow me. I went to the closest convenience store near the park which was just across the street to buy some dog food and a bottle of water. I jogged back to the bench and the puppies were right there where I left them.

"Good boys," I cooed before continuing, "You guys must be starving right? Look what I've got!" I exclaimed before revealing the pack of dog food and bottle of water. The puppies wagged their tails furiously and started to pant. I even saw the second puppy start to drool at the sight of food. Indeed, he is the silliest one. I started to pour out some of the dog food into the cardboard box while cupping my hand to make a mini bowl to pour out water for the puppies. They started to gobble down the food at lightning speed, fighting for the food as though they haven't eaten for days, which was most likely the case anyways. "Yah, don't fight! There's more food, don't worry!" I commanded them but they must have been hungry out of their wits so I decided to pour out more treats for them.

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