Leo: Keyboard

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I sat in front of the keyboard as I waited for the rest of the band members and VIXX to gather for practice. I was the new keyboardist of the band for VIXX and this was my first rehearsal with the whole gang. Prior to the rehearsal, VIXX's manager had sent me the chord sheets for pretty much all of VIXX's songs for me to practice before the actual rehearsal. He even encouraged me to play it in my own style! I was really nervous so I decided to go to the practice room an hour early to prepare (it was more so to practice more so I don't mess up in front of my bias group). Yeap, VIXX was my favourite band so to actually become their keyboardist was a pretty huge deal for me.

I was playing one of their ballad songs Love Letter when one of the VIXX members walked into the practice room. I took a glance at my phone and saw that there was still 45 minutes before practice started! I didn't dare to look up so I just kept my eyes on the keyboard while I silently prayed to disappear into thin air right there and then. Clearly, my prayer wasn't granted because the person stopped dead in their tracks and I could feel their eyes on me.

"... Who are you?" A soft gentle voice called out, suspicion evident in his voice. I looked up to see that it was Leo. My eyes grew so wide that I was sure they would pop right out of their sockets. For a few seconds, my mind was blank. I was the shy wallflower kind of girl so I never got much attention from anyone. And yet, here I was getting stared at by one of my favourite members from my favourite band.

"Erm, I-I'm the new keyboardist, my name is _____, nice to meet you," I introduced myself awkwardly as my eyes darted back towards the keyboard, not daring to look up at the idol by the name of Jung Taekwoon. I was so glad that I was wearing a baseball cap so he couldn't see my embarrassment.

"Ah, I'm Leo, nice to meet you too," Leo introduced himself softly as he took a seat on the couch with a cup of coffee in one hand. I knew that he couldn't see my face but I was still so nervous being alone in the same room as him. My fingers froze on the keys as I suddenly grew self-conscious of my own playing skills, afraid of messing up and embarrassing myself in front of him. Leo must have sensed my discomfort because he started talking again after a long awkward tension filled the atmosphere.

"... Just continue playing, don't mind me," Leo's soft voice rang from behind me as I jumped slightly at his voice. "Sorry, did I scare you?" He asked as I heard a soft chuckle coming from him. "N-no, it's okay," I replied before I let out a huge sigh and resumed practising Love Letter, one of my favourite ballads by VIXX. After the first chorus, I became comfortable with playing again. I played my heart out and even inserted a few improvisations here and there as if there was no one else in the room but me. That's the effect playing the keyboard/piano had on me. I always loved being in my own little world with musical notes and chords instead of having to socialise with the people around me.

After I finished playing the song, I opened my eyes with a small smile on my face, satisfied with how I played the song. Suddenly, I heard someone clapping from behind me. I froze in my position as I remembered that Leo was here! "That was really nice, you're very talented," Leo muttered in his quiet voice as I felt my cheeks instantly heat up at his compliment. "T-thank you," I managed to stutter out as I tried to calm my fast beating heart, still never turning to look at him.

"Are you scared of me?" Leo asked quietly after a while.

"Y-yes," I mumbled as I fumbled around with the chord sheets.

"Ah, I love your honesty," Leo softly laughed which brought a small smile on my face as well.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that you're scary... It's just I'm shy," I stated as I finally got the courage to turn towards him and make eye contact with him for the first time. Thankfully, he had a small smile on his face as he took a sip of coffee. Otherwise, I might have just pooped my pants right there and then because I was always afraid of his straight face.

"It's fine, the members tell me that all the time," Leo chuckled as he waved off what I said. He looked really handsome when he was chuckling. I felt my heart skip a beat as a smile formed on my lips.

"You should smile more often," Leo shyly suggested as I looked up at him with my eyebrows raised.

"I-I mean, everyone's better when they smile," Leo's soft voice stuttered, slightly flustered as I gave him a weird look before smiling again.

Before we knew it, the rest of VIXX had entered together with the band members. I suddenly felt my nerves start to swallow me up from the inside out. They were all introducing themselves and were asking about me, trying to get to know me better. They were being really friendly and outgoing but I felt really overwhelmed by the sudden attention as I wasn't used to strangers breaking into my little bubble. "H-hello, my name is _____" I shyly introduced myself as I looked towards the ground. I felt someone attempt to pull my cap off to take a look at my face so I instantly grabbed onto my cap. Before neither the person nor I could speak, though, another voice rang loudly in the room which silenced everyone's teasing.

"That's enough, Jaehwan," Leo's voice rang out. It was still his usual quiet and soft voice but it was clear that he was upset at Jaehwan for trying to take my cap off. I looked up and was greeted by Leo's back. He had stood in front of me like a shield to protect me from the rest. I felt a warm fuzzy feeling fill my heart as I smiled at his kind gesture.

"Hyung, I was just trying to see how she looks like," Jaehwan explained, slightly confused at Leo's sudden protectiveness over a stranger.

"Can't you see she doesn't like it?" Leo questioned which made everyone shut up.

"Erm, I'm sorry but I'm a little shy so please do bear with me," my awkward voice interrupted the silence in the room as I tried to stop the glaring contest that was going on between Ken and Leo.

"It's fine. Now we know that you're introverted, we'll be more careful around you. I'm sorry if we offended you," N apologised on behalf of VIXX as I looked up at him and gave him a small smile and a slight nod, which he returned with a bigger, heartwarming smile.

"I'm sorry ____-ah," Ken apologised which surprised me because I wasn't mad at him at all.

"N-no, I'm not mad, no worries," I rushed my words, afraid that he might take my reaction the wrong way.

"Alright, shall we start with practice now?" N, being the leader, suggested since the room was falling back to its previous awkward tension. Everyone went to their positions but as I started to make my way back, Leo tugged at my left hand and whispered in my ear "Walk with confidence, your neck might fall off if you keep looking down," before taking a seat next to Ken and ruffling up his hair, a sign that he was no longer mad at his dongsaeng, to which Ken smiled a huge smile back at Leo.

During the entire practice, I constantly felt a pair of eyes on me. Initially, it made me nervous but when I finally mustered up the courage to look up, I was greeted with a pair of dark brown eyes which belonged to Leo. He smiled an encouraging smile which made me feel less nervous as I eased back into playing their songs.

After the practice, I was packing up my stuff to leave when Leo walked up to my keyboard and stuck a small light green post-it on it. I looked up from my bag as he gave me a small smile before leaving the practice room with the other VIXX members. I reached for the note to read it.

I know how you feel (I'm shy too). But don't worry, things will get better as you get to know these people better. Don't always look down or your neck will fall off. Just because you're shy doesn't mean that you shouldn't be confident in yourself. If you ever need help, you can always approach me. ____-ah, fighting! :-)


I smiled as I read the note. Even though it was a little overwhelming at the start, I already knew that I was going to enjoy being VIXX's keyboardist thanks to a certain someone.

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