Hongbin: Photography

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Photography -- taking an image, freezing a moment, revealing how rich reality is. The world that you see behind the camera is completely different from the world in front of it. I especially love taking photos because when you look at it again years down the road, you'll be able to re-live the moments. To me, the camera is a 'save' button for the mind's eye.

I was tasked to be the photographer at a particular event. Because it was so rushed, I wasn't given much details except for the location and the time to be there. It was only till I reached the venue 2 hours before the event to prepare did I realise exactly who I was going to take pictures of for the next 4 hours. Since I was the photographer, I was given a backstage pass to take behind-the-scenes photos. While walking to the location, which was a huge stadium in the middle of Seoul, I took notice of a bunch of fangirls with banners and signs. "Ah, so it's some celebrity event then," I thought to myself. I'm not really the type to dwell in idols and kpop groups so I wasn't going crazy or anything. My main priority was just to get my job done. As I walked past the huge mass of fans, I was able to take a closer look at those banners and on many of it, the banners read "Real V! V.I.X.X" Ah, so it's VIXX. I didn't know much about them except that they were a 6 member group.

I proceeded to approach the backstage, where VIXX was supposed to be getting their hair and make-up done. I slung my camera over my neck as I kept my bag in one of the lockers that were provided, making sure that I had my phone and some batteries just in case my camera ran out of batt. I looked around trying to see where the idols were so that I could take some pictures of them getting ready, in preparation for a video montage for the fans after the event.

I was wandering around the backstage, looking around to find the idols who were nowhere in sight. Weren't they supposed to be here 2 hours before the event? I started to dial a number my superior gave me, which I now assumed probably belonged to VIXX's manager. As I was about to press the 'call' button and not looking at where I was going, I bumped into someone head on. The both of us fell on our butts as I quickly rushed to check if my camera was alright.

"I'm so sorry, is your camera okay?" A voice asked, flustered. My camera was fine, thank God.

"Yeah, it's fine. I'm really sorry I wasn't looking at where I was going," I apologised before finally taking a good look at who I bumped into. I guessed he was one of the members as he had heavy stage makeup on and was wearing a very fancy suit that showed off his well-built figure. My eyes widened as I was immediately drawn to his eyes. He was wearing neon green contact lenses and it made him look... unhuman. I was, of course, shocked. It's not every day you see a man with neon green eyes walking around Seoul. I gasped before dropping my phone.

"Omo, is your phone okay? I'm so sorry I keep making you drop your things," he half-chuckled before bending to pick up my phone for me. "No worries, it's a pretty old phone anyways," I replied, still captivated by his eyes. I guess it made him slightly uncomfortable as he looked away before continuing "Erm, did I scare you? Sorry about that, it's part of our concept for our comeback. Some fans told us that we looked scary so I hope I didn't freak you out too much." He started, rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Anyways, I'm _____, I'll be your photographer for today," I introduced myself to the man, hoping to distract myself from his eyes. "I'm Hongbin," he replied, extending his hand for a handshake. I took his hand and smiled at him.

"Binnie-ah! You still need to get your hair done!" A voice called over from the dressing area. "Well, that's my cue. See you around!" Hongbin waved and started to walk towards the direction of the dressing room before turning around and asking "Do you want to go to the dressing room to take the pictures? The rest of VIXX are there," he stated as I mentally slapped myself for not checking the dressing room earlier. "S-sure," I mumbled, clearly embarrassed at my own stupidity.

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