N: Fight

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"You know I can't meet you today, the members and I have to practice for our comeback!" Hakyeon's voice bellowed on the other line. "But today's-" before I could continue, Hakyeon had already hung up. "...my birthday," I sighed as I threw my phone onto the bed.

From the sound of Hakyeon's voice, we were going to have this fight. Again. For the hundredth time. We weren't always like this. Hakyeon used to be really sweet and nice. He would call me whenever he sensed that something wasn't right and when I chose to ignore his calls or texts, he would choose to show up unannounced at my house with a huge bouquet of red roses and chocolates just to cheer me up.

What happened to our relationship that used to give me butterflies and red hot cheeks? Now it just brings me tears and sighs as I think about what made us come to this point in our relationship where we just keep fighting. How could things just plummet down without my awareness? Was I so ignorant towards him? Or perhaps, we've both simply changed.

I let out a defeated sigh as I plopped myself onto my bed, contemplating if I should show up at VIXX's practice room to talk to him. I know what you're thinking, my birthday isn't that big of a deal. I should be an understanding girlfriend and let my boyfriend focus on his comeback. But look, we haven't seen each other for the past 2 months because he has been busy with VIXX's comeback. I also understand that Hakyeon, being the leader, would naturally want to be completely absorbed in his work to make sure that their comeback is an amazing one. Because of this, though, we've been fighting so many times. I'm not asking for him to profess his undying love for me every single day, neither am I asking to meet him 24/7. I just wished that he could take out a short 5 minutes to call and say 'hi', or just drop a text when he was on his break. But apparently, that's 'too much to ask for', according to him.


"Is it honestly that hard for you to drop a text when you're having your break or call to say 'hi, how's your day' every once in a while? It's so hard to hear your voice or see your face nowadays," I cried out, frustrated that I was the only one who still cared about our relationship.

"That's too much to ask for! You can hear my voice and see my face on TV. I've been on so many variety shows to promote our comeback! Besides, that's what it's like to date an idol, you should've seen it coming," Hakyeon retorted bitterly as he glared at me, sending goosebumps all over my body because he hardly glares at me. Ever. This meant that he was really pissed off. And so was I.

"Are you sure that's what it's like to date an idol? Or that's just what it's like to date you,"

-End of Flashback-

Tears welled up in my eyes as I had a flashback of our last fight. I don't want to lose Hakyeon but at this rate, our relationship was going down the dumps. I decided to go look for him. I didn't care if he was going to yell at me again, I was done fighting for this relationship one-sidedly.

-At VIXX's Practice Room-

"Ken! You're getting it wrong! Again! How many times do I have to show you for you to remember it right!" I could hear Hakyeon's voice roaring from the practice room before I even stepped foot in it. "N, Let's take a 15-minute break, the kids are tired," I heard Leo's soft voice as I stood outside the practice room, suddenly nervous to see my boyfriend again after 2 months. Through the glass door, I saw that Hakyeon let out a frustrated sigh before rolling his eyes and nodding at Leo's request. When the boys got up to leave for their break, Hakyeon immediately brought his hands to his face, clearly stressed up over their comeback while Leo placed his hand on Hakyeon's back, a form of comfort from the quiet, reserved Leo to the usually loud and bubbly N.

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