Chapter fourteen

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A two weeks later
Denis's pov
Let me catch you up to speed on what has been happening. Marie has been living with Danny for two weeks. James has been helping me with Marie which I appreciate a lot. (Back to present time)
Today is the court date to try and hopefully win Marie.
"Denis wake up it is time to get Marie back in her rightful place" James whispers in my ear. When I heard his voice I felt chills go down my spine. Is that weird that I might have a little crush on my best friend even though I'm still in love with Ben. He will never like me though because I was with Ben. Thinking about my late lover I should go to his grave and simi see him. When I got to the graveyard I immediately saw Ben's grave. I plopped down next to his gravestone and started talking about what is going on in my life and I prayed for help and to show me a sign to know he still cares. The wind started blowing but that normal since it is the middle of October. I decided to leave a little while later. I saw something more like someone in the distance it looked like Ben. I whated to yell I love you to him than I thought I'm just seeing things. I went to James house to talk to a non dead person (harsh Denis) I thought. I arrived to James house a few minutes later. He answers the door
"Hey what's up mate"
"Can I tell you something weird" I asked.
"Sure you can me anything" James reacurred me"
" don't think I'm crazy or making this up ok so I went to Ben ms grave today cause I haven't you know spoken to him if that makes sense anyway when I was walking back to my car I thought I saw Ben standing at the end of the sidewalk looking at me" I rushed out.
"I think your mind is playing games with you because you still love him so much. It is probably best if you would move on from Ben" James explained.
"How can I move on" I asked.
"Go on a date with me" James asked.

I went and saw Andy black yesterday. He was so amazing live. Sorry it took forever I will hopefully get this book finished before spring break. I'm glad you guys that are reading and sticking with me through the book and my slow updates. Thanks for reading
Comment what you think should happen next with Denis and James. Should Denis say yes to James offer for a date or not let me know

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