Chapter 7 - Struggles

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Last night was interesting.
You and Tord had been talking for so long, you lost a lot of sleep. You woke up to your phone blowing up with messages. You thought it would be Tord, but it was Tom.
      "hey Y/n u up lol. probably not considering ur sleep habits. still tho... it's almost noon..."
That message was 2 hours ago.
      "Hey Tom, sorry. Just woke up lmao."
      "holy shit really"
You giggled. "Ya."
      "alrighty then. anyway I was gonna ask if you wanted to get a coffee sometime this weekend??"
You noticed your face doing that warmth thing again. Ugh, stop it!
      "Uhm sure lol how about Friday?"
      "sounds perfect. cya then"
Tom then went offline. Strange. You were flattered though.
You decided to message Tord.
      "Hey, how're you?"
      "could be better"
Guess he was sleep deprived too.
Before you texted back anything, you remembered.
You need to help him.
      "What does that mean lol"
Try to be casual... How do you bring up a suicide note to someone after confessing you read it after promising not to?
      "idk just tired. the usual"
      "You okay?"
He paused.
      "You sure about that? As much as it pains me to talk about the letter I wanna make sure you're okay"
No response.
      "Tord I'm sorry if I offended you ohjeez I do this a lot don't I"
You felt terrible. You always do this to yourself - Say something then regret it and drive everyone away -
      "no, its ok. i just dont know why u care so much."
      "no one cares like you seem to care. ur always supporting me and understanding my decisions and making sure im happy. whats with u? r u even taking the time to make sure ur happy?"
You stared at that message for a while. A minute, maybe. You were unsure. You were struggling to understand what he was even asking.
      "I care about you becauseeee"
- Oops. Sent early. Stupid thumbs...
      "because you love me?"
Ahh!! The warming of the face again! Oh jeez - Wait, no. No! You don't have feelings for him, remember? He isn't interested. Don't dig a deeper hole, y/n -
      "am i wrong?"
      "you alright, y/n??"
      "y/n, just tell me"

      "no?? ur like my best friend lmao weirdo"

See? How hard was that. Just telling him the truth.

      "oh. alright good to clear that up haha"
      "Ok then. Lol"
      "i should go. heard you got a date to plan, hehe. good luck."
He's so quirky! You giggled to yourself. What was that all about?
And what date? With Tom? You guess so...
How did he find out?

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