Chapter 8 - Tom

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Today was the day.
Your date with Tom.
Was it even a date? Would you ask him if it was one at all?
Whatever. You were almost there anyway. As you were driving, you got 2 texts;
      Tom: hey y/n almost there? I'm here already
      Tord: hey sorry if im bothering u but i wanted...
Tord's text was too long to see, so you decided to respond to Tom's for now.
      "Don't text me!! I'm driving"
      "oops, sorry. Dont die lol"

A few minutes later you arrived at the coffee place. Tom was sitting alone at a booth on his phone.
You awkwardly and silently walked up and sat across from him.
      "Uh, h-hi?"
His head shot up and his eyes widened. "Oh, hi! I didn't see you, y/n! Sorry. I didn't order anything yet cuz I figured I'd wait for you first." He smiled, a bit flustered from you just walking in.
You smiled back, and cleared your throat a little. "So, er... What are you gonna order?"
He looked up from his phone again - Always on that thing - And half smiled as he put it in his pocket. "Probably just black coffee. I brought something to give it some flavor." He smirked and slightly peaked out a small canteen from his hoodie pocket. You chuckled.
You looked at the small menu and told the waitress what you wanted.
For some reason your phone was buzzing a lot, but you ignored it, mostly because you were talking to Tom about stupid crap and joking around. It was weird though... Everytime you looked away or looked out a window or just generally didn't have your eyes on him, he was still looking at you. He had a goofy smile on his face... It was kinda cute.
No, he's not interested. You have someone else to look towards, anyway...

You were there for about an hour, then your phone buzzed again. You decided to check it, because Tom was talking to the waitress about the check.
The check!
You quickly set your phone down on the table and interrupted.
      "U-Uhm, I got the check!"
Tom smirked. "No, I'll pay. It's the least I can do for getting a chance to talk to you."
Your face went red. What was that?! Is he flirting with you?!
      "O-Ok. Sorry, heheh."
"No need to say sorry," He said, smiling. "you're very generous, y'know. Guys like that."
Guys?? As in, like, guys I want to date?! What is Tom doing to my brain??!

After Tom graciously paid for the coffee, you two left and were walking together.
"My car is right here," You said pointing to the red vehicle. "I should get going." You forced a soft smile.
      "Leaving so soon?" Tom said as he stopped walking. You stood there next to him, he looked sort of disappointed.
"S-Sorry, I just...Uh..." You didn't know what to say. You felt like you upset him for some reason, and you felt kinda... Sad.
      "You alright..? You seem kinda down." Tom looked nervous, but concerned.
"It's nothing." You reached into your pocket for your phone, but it wasn't there. What the hell -

It's on the table!!

You dashed back into the coffee shop, scrambling as you opened the doors and then stopped in your tracks as you saw a familiar face.

That adorable Norwegian boy turned around with hope in his eyes as he saw you. "Oh, y/n!! You're here! I thought I missed you as you were leaving -"
You ran up and hugged him, overwhelmed with joy. You were unsure why you were so happy to finally meet him in person, but screw it, right? You were basically best friends at this point.
      "Tord, is that my phone?"
He looked in your eyes. "What?"
"In your hand."
His cheeks went to a bright red, and he handed it over immediately.
      "O-Oh, sorry, y/n, I just... W-Well I saw your username on it because you left it open on that table and I wanted to return it so I figured I'd -"
You laughed. "It's ok, I get it." You smiled at him, and he smiled back.
This one wasn't forced.
You turned around as you struck up a conversation with him, walking back outside to see Tom...
Uh oh.
Tom looked furious. Grinding his teeth he glared at Tord, and yelled at him as soon as you two opened the door.
      "What the fucking hell do you think you're doing here!!?" He started to briskly stomp towards you and Tord. You quickly stood in front of him, arms open ready to protect him from whatever Tom had planned for him.
      "T-Tom, wh -" You tried saying something but he didn't hesitate to interrupt.
"You think you can just fucking waltz into y/n's life like nothing ever happened between you and I?! Are you fucking insane?! Haha! Now that I think about it, I wouldn't be fucking surprised!!"
Tom was scaring you.
Why was he acting like this?
Why is Tord just standing there, looking like an emotionless robot?
      "Tord!! Answer me, you worthless shit! I know somewhere in that sugar coated 'good-guy' act you're pulling on y/n, there's still that evil little bitch ready to sock me in the jaw, huh?! C'mon!! Own up, commie!!"
You didn't notice how much you were holding back tears until it was too late. They started streaming down your face. Why are you crying? He isn't hurting you.
Tom shifted his eyes back to you, and they widened as he saw you were crying, yet still somehow trying to protect Tord. You couldn't see Tord's face, and you didn't want to know what kind of face he was making because it would probably be humiliating for you.
Tom took a few steps back, regret in his face and red in his cheeks. "Y/n, I'm sorry, I -"
      "You've done enough, Tom. Leave him alone."
"Y/n, please, he'll just -"
      "He'll what, Tom?! Shoot me?! Kill me?! What are you so afraid of?? I don't know what happened between you and the guys, but whatever it was, it didn't make you a better person." You sniffed. "All it did was make you more hateful. Get your grip together and go home."
You wiped your face and put on a blank face, turning to look at Tord.
He was crying.
"T-Tord..! Are you ok?? Ohmygosh I'm so sorry what did I -"
He hugged you tightly. You went silent, and he stayed silent. All he did was hug you for about 10 seconds then sobbed out a whisper in your ear;
      "Thank you."

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