Chapter 11 - Take the Long Way

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Tom hadn't texted you in a while. You obviously knew why, but also started to worry if he had started to hate you the same way he hates Tord.
      It felt like a mistake, but you texted him in the morning anyway.

      "Hey, Tom. I really have no idea what happened between you and Tord, but please know I care about both of you. I don't hate you."

You paused, thinking.

      "I hope you don't hate me either."

Your heart was beating fast, and you sent it. It felt weird, overdramatic. Was it though? He did start the whole "get the fuck away from them, commie" thing during your date with him...

...Wait, was that a date?

You never really asked. You felt kind of stupid, considering it was too late to ask now that you sent that risky text, but -
      Oh, he responded.

      "I get it. I was angry. I get angry easily. I'm really sorry. I don't hate you. please forgive me."

      "Of course I forgive you, Tom. I just feel like you got carried away. You don't have to explain yourself unless you want to, I understand how angry people can be based off of the past."

      "You do?"

...Shit. I really don't want to talk about exes right now.

      "Ya. Ex sweethearts and all that. A lot of... Miscommunication."

He took a while to respond. He read it, but wasn't typing. You took this as an opportunity to see if Tord had woken up.
Nope, still out cold.
Shouldn't have kept him up for so long...

      "exes, huh? I get it. you put all your energy on your 'soulmate' while meanwhile they aren't doing jackshit?"

That's... Weird. I guess Tom is good at reading people?

      "Ya, you could word it like that."

He read it, but no response.
...No response.

      You set your phone down on the kitchen counter as you made yourself some coffee.

      It was was a nice day outside - Well, you assumed it was from your view of a giant tree blocking most of your kitchen window. Either way, you sipped your coffee in content, and your phone buzzed.

      "well, I just want u to know I put time into people I care about."

What... Does that even mean..?
Whatever. You had no time for this, you had work today.

      You went up to your room and nudged Tord with your foot as he lay there, sprawled on your bed. "Ok dork, I'm going to work. Don't burn the house down." You smirked to yourself as you walked away, and as you were about to close your bedroom door you heard a cute chuckle. The little things he did that made you blush - it's insane.

       You texted Tord as you left your job's building, saying you'll be home soon. You smiled just thinking about spending time with him today. It's really that bad, huh?

You were driving home, listening to your favorite music. Today was a good day.
Your phone buzzed, but you were driving, so you ignored it for now.

      You pulled into your driveway and shut the car off. You skipped up the stairs to your front door and entered with a smile on your face, eye closed. "Tord! I'm home!"
You opened your eyes and saw a huge mess. The couch cushions weren't on the couch, but all over your living room floor. Some were torn open. The TV was shattered on the ground, and your dishes were smashed everywhere in the kitchen too. Your smile slowly turned sour as you threw your jacket off & onto the floor as you ran to your room, terrified. Was I robbed? Why is everything broken? Nothing is missing.

Is Tord okay?

You aggressively opened the door to your bedroom, finding a man with long brown hair and a military-like suit looking out of your window.
      "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?!" He yells out the window, right before hearing your door hit the wall from when you opened it and turned around.
      You just stood there, having no damn idea what the hell was going on. Before you could even think of something to say to the stranger in your house, yelling at SOMEbody from your window, he rolled his eyes and grabbed something from his back pocket.
      "Dritt, if he can't do it himself-"
Just as you heard his voice, you noticed he also had a Norwegian accent, and that he happened to be pointing a pistol at your face.

      You're not quite sure how, but you pushed yourself away from your fear and anxieties and kicked the guy in the shin. You guess he didn't really expect you to do anything since it basically made him fall completely over. Impulsively, you kick him again and dart the fuck out of your room.
      As you run down the stairs and out of your house, you make the rash decision to call Tord.
He picks up after 2 rings.

      "TORD! ARE YOU OKAY?! WHERE ARE YOU?" You shout into your phone, locking your car doors as you hop inside.
      "Y/n, you have to get out of there!" Tord said, less loud than you, but still sounding extremely worried.
      "WHAT the FUCK is going on?!!" You demand him, trying to multitask and find your keys to start the car.
      "Just - Agh - Just meet me at that coffee place, okay?! Take the long way, just get out of sight -"
      "WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN, TORD?! WHY won't you be STRAIGHT WITH ME?!" You're choking up. I don't understand.
      "JUST. GO." Tord says violently, and he hangs up.
You found your car keys, and you almost burn out getting out of your driveway and begrudgingly followed Tord's orders of taking the long route to the coffee shop you met at before.

      You sloppily park your car in the luckily empty parking lot of the shop. With an only slightly clearer mind than a few minutes ago, you start to question how Tord would get there without a car.
      But before you could worry about that, you saw him already waiting inside, sitting in a corner booth.

You sat there in silence with him for a while. You didn't really look at each other, not at the same time at least. You noticed him making worried glances at you once in a while, but you refused to look at him right now.
      "What the fuck happened?" You said quietly, still not looking at him, but making the effort of looking uncomfortable. I mean, hell, you were.
      "Y/n, there's... there's a lot about me you don't want to know -"
"Why the fuck not?!" You blurted, slamming your fist on the table. "After all that shit, why do I not deserve to know?! I was worried sick!! Until now, I didn't think that had ANYTHING to do with you, but now you're freaking me the fuck out!! I don't know what to think!"
      Your face was hot, but not the unusual kind you would get on your first few skype calls with him. You knew what this was.
      This was rage.

Tord seemed hesitant before replying. He almost looked like he was about to cry; His eyes were only slightly glossy.

      "Y/n... You're going to hate me if I tell you, I can't jus-"
"Jesus CHRIST, Tord!! I would NEVER hate you!!" You said, aware of your anger, but not really knowing if you were mad at him or not.
      He paused, then gulped. "Can I finish?" He said very softly, not sounding upset, just... scared.
You finally make eye contact with him. Looking deeply into him, for whatever stupid reason, made you even more emotional than you were, so you looked away and nodded.
      "This..." Tord said quietly, then clearing his throat and leaning forward. "This is going to sound absurd."
      "Okay." You said in a kind of snappy voice, but still wanting to hear what he had to say.


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