Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Weeks after Miyoung met Luhan, she couldn’t help but think of him. His sparkly eyes, perfect nose, kissable lips; everything on his flawless face attracted her. Another thing why she always thinks of him was because he resembled a lot like her best friend.

What was she thinking, by the way? She was supposed to hate him, but look at her. She actually found herself comfortable thinking of him. Their first meeting was horrible; she yelled at him. Maybe she wasn’t in the mood to entertain him that time. She didn’t even care who he was at all, no matter how popular he was.

It made her wonder. What if things didn’t turn out that way? What if her best friend didn’t leave her? What if he stayed on her side forever like how he promised? She had endless what –ifs on her mind.

Someone made her back to her senses. “Hey,” Seohyun tapped her shoulder.

“Hi Seohyun,” she greeted.

Seohyun sat on one of the benches near the big, old tree, sitting beside Tiffany. There was a moment of silence for a while. They were watching the people in silence playing on the school field actively. They were playing different kinds of sports: Frisbee, Basketball, Soccer, etc.

Soccer— the sport her best friend used to play. She reminisced the moment she gave him a soccer ball keychain. Among all the things he gave her, it was his favorite. She was thinking of him again. Well, you can’t really blame her; she missed him so much. She cared about him, she was worried.

What she didn’t know was… was he worried too? Did he even care at all? Because if he ever did, he should’ve find a way to see her again. But no— he didn’t. It might be he already forgot him and moved on with his life. While there she was, stuck on a chapter and was still waiting for someone to flip the page for her. In short, she was waiting for someone to help her move on.

“Is something bothering you?” Seohyun broke the silence between them.

“N-no, not at all,” she was doubtful with her answer.

“Are you sure?” Seohyun asked again. The tone of her voice indicated something, like she wasn’t convinced with Tiffany’s answer.

This time, Stephanie craned her neck to look at the innocent girl beside her. Seohyun met a pair of eyes which were expressing her friend was depressed.

“Why do you always keep a cold demeanor?” She knew Seohyun would bring up that topic. “It would scare people, you know. They’d be afraid to approach you because of your strict-like look.”

“It’s hard to smile especially when the sorrow in your heart isn’t still replaced with happiness,” she uttered.

“Why don’t you just move on like how he does?”

“Moving on involves forgetting him. It may be easy for him to forget me. But for me, it’s hard to forget someone as special as him,” her voice cracked as those words came out from her mouth.

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