Chapter 9

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9th Chapter

“S-Sehun…” She stammered in nervousness. She could not utter a word due to the pain she was feeling, not on his grip nor the heavy atmosphere, but the pain she was feeling in her heart. She was crestfallen to the fact that she set her hopes high that it would be easy for her to ask forgiveness, but things didn’t turn out as what she expected it to be. She thought that after he’d hear the word ‘sorry’ from her, they’d be friends again. But no, it wasn’t. Half of her was expecting he won’t forgive her, and the other half was probably hoping they’d be okay. Of course she knew it would be like this, but she somehow expected a plot twist. She thought that Sehun would soften his heart and be kind enough to forgive her. But she realized it only existed on her imaginative mind. Not that she was insulting him, but it was what she was seeing on him at the moment.

“Sehun, it hurts!” She blunted rapidly, which made Sehun loosen his grip on her arm and pulling his hand away. He lowered his head, feeling sorry.

“Are you gonna be like this all the time, huh? Just obnoxiously making your ego first thing on the list and not minding other people’s feelings? Are you just gonna be cold all the time? Not worrying about the world and would just mind your own? For Pete’s sake, enough with that immature acts, Sehun. Man up,” she bickered.

Sehun felt pain shot in his chest. Would he care, for the first time, because it was from her? Would he feel pain in his cold heart, for the first time, because it was the cruel truth? There were no lies on the words she said, it was all pure true. For the first time after years, he was feeling another emotion aside from expressionless and infuriation.

She left him glued in his place, frozen in his position. Tears were flowing down on her cheeks after another as she ran back to the gate, but she didn’t care at all. She wanted to cry her anger out. When words can’t express what she was feeling, she would cry it out, because it would be bad if she’d express her negative feelings through actions. She stopped by in a cottage across the waiting shed and rested her head on her arms which were leaning on the table as her shoulders involuntarily moved up and down. She sobbed harder at the thought of not having Sehun on her side. After months of hanging out with him, she somehow drew closer to him. He became important to her. She can’t stand at the thought of not having him by her side.

The memories with Sehun flashbacked in her mind in a slow motion. They way he talked, the way he laugh, the way he smiles. Sehun could only show that passive emotion of him to her, because she earned his trust. People knew him as the coldest guy on earth aside from Kris, but behind those cold façade of him was the sweet and fun side. And Tiffany was the only person to witness it.


Sehun blinked many times, trying to process the events that had happened just a moment ago. He couldn’t bear the pain he was feeling. He couldn’t stand seeing his trusted friend cry. Well, you couldn’t really blame him. He just happened to brutally punch his hyung because he thought that he was flirting with her. He was just being protective to her.

Sehun was crying to the fact that he gave her up to Suho. She was his first love, his first kiss, his world… she was the person he cried and begged for, his everything. The positive and passive Sehun became a cold one after that. Though he was able to move on, there was still the pain he was feeling everytime a thought of her would invade in his mind. Starting the day he stopped crying, he haven’t heard news about the couple (Suho and Yoonhae, his first love), but he didn’t care. He would only hurt himself if he would scoop some updates and information about them.

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