Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“Best friends?” She asked in disbelief, brows furrowed in confusion. “What made you say that we’re best friends?”

He rubbed his nape awkwardly. Oops, I shouldn’t have said that. “Because, you know, we had bonded for several times, and I have kept some secrets to you. That’s what best friends do, right?” He awkwardly explained.

Tiffany continued walking, and Luhan followed her and walked beside her. “Ah, I see.” She nodded thoughtfully.

Luhan slipped his hands on his side pockets. “So you agree with that?”

She thought for a while. Was she ready to replace Han in her heart? “Uhmm, o-okay,” she agreed.

“Yes!” He grinned widely as he pumped his fists in the air. “Finally, I have found a friend who could be trusted after finding one for so many years.”

“You’re looking for a best friend?” Tiffany was jaw-dropped, but it was followed after by a laugh. She actually found that thing ridiculous, knowing that a boy needed a best friend. Ever since she was born, having a best friend was all about a girl’s thing, based on her preferences. So you couldn’t just blame her why she found it funny.

“Yeah,” he admitted sheepishly.

“But what about the boys? Sehun? Chanyeol? How about them?” She said as she gnawed on her lower lip, suppressing her laughter to escape, but Luhan knew she wanted to laugh. Of course it was obvious because there was that eyesmile on her eyes that indicated she was in a happy state.

“They’re my friends for a long time, I know. But they couldn’t be trusted easily. They don’t take things seriously. Of course they won’t know how I’m feeling because they had no love life ever since.”

She felt sorry for laughing at him before knowing his situation. “Anyway, why did you choose me among the others?”

“The first time I met you, I felt comfortable. That’s why I approached you and tried to befriend you. Remember the first time we met?” Oh not again, don’t make me remember that day. Laughter escaped from his mouth when he saw her gloomy aura. He knew she didn’t want to recall that day. “And I don’t know why I trusted you, but I just felt like it. So I told you secrets. Actually, you’re the first one I have opened up to,” he answered.

“Geez, thanks for that, dude,” she acted being a manly girl, as if she was a tomboy, and patted his back.

“I have a better idea!” He smiled brightly. “What if we just call each other ‘dude’?” He suggested.

“That would be better!” She agreed.

“Oh, wait, we’re actually here.” Both of them stopped right in front at Suho’s residence.

Luhan rang the doorbell and immediately, the guard opened the gate and asked him, “You’re looking for him, right?” He narrowed his eyes playfully. He knew Luhan too well that he already knew who was he looking for.

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