Chapter Seven

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Harry removed his fingers from Snape's body and positioned his well oiled cock at the entrance. 'I'm scared of hurting you,' he whispered.

'I'll let you know if it becomes unbearable. Try not to worry so much.'

Harry nodded and bit his lip in concentration, trying to look down and see where he was going. A large hand cupped his chin and brought his eye level back to Snape's face. 'It knows what it's doing, Harry.'

He doubted that for a moment, as he tried pressing forward and didn't feel any give for a little while. But then Snape pulled his legs up a little higher and Harry felt the head of his cock dip into... into... oh god, it was going in! Wide eyed, he looked down at Snape for confirmation or encouragement or something, anything. The man beneath him just gazed steadily up at him, breath shallow, jaw tense.

'How long has it been since you've let someone do this?'

'Sixteen years.'

'Bloody hell! That's almost as long as I've been around!'

'Yes, thank-you for the astounding mathematics, Potter. Now, I do believe you were attempting to fuck me?'




Whatever insult Snape had been intending to throw back next was cut off in a gasp as Harry thrust forward and sank a further inch or so into the furnace of the man's body.

'Ohfuckinghell,' Harry whimpered,worrying his lip nervously. 'Fuck Snape, you've no idea how you feel...'

'I think I, uh, have a vague notion...'

'So hot.' Harry gave another, tiny, experimental thrust and felt the walls of Snape's body tense around him. 'So fucking tight! Shit, I love this! I love you! Oh, shit!' He fell forward and clamped his mouth over Snape's, shoving his tongue deep into his mouth, moaning as he felt Snape's body take more of his cock in. God, it was almost all the way now. He could feel his balls nudge against Snape with every movement he made. Oh,fucking god.

'You can move more now, if you wish.'

If he wished? Harry braced himself on his arms and lifted his hips, feeling the delicious friction of his cock sliding almost all of the way out of Snape. Then, as gently as he was still able, he pushed it back in again, mesmerised by the sight of Snape's mouth falling silently open as he did so.

'Is that okay?'

Snape nodded, running a hand over Harry's chest, up onto a shoulder and finally gripping hold of his left upper arm. 'Very much so.'

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