Chapter Fourteen

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Snape was transfixed by the lightning bolt scar on Potter's forehead. He reached forward and lightly smoothed the dark hair away so he could better see the disfiguration carved there by his former Master. Long, dark eyelashes fluttered and the emerald orbs looked up at him, full of mirth and such lovely-to-see lust. Snape's breath hitched for a moment in the back of his throat as he stared down at the beautiful face – the cheeks were flushed pink and the mouth, the mouth was stretched beautifully wide around the girth of Snape's erection.

He shifted his weight slightly in the library chair and managed to push his cock a little further into the sucking warmth of Harry's mouth. He leaned his head against the back of the chair and watched in fascination. The lightning bolt beckoned again and, reverently, he traced its zig-zag with a trembling index finger.

'Legilimens,' he suddenly hissed.

Potter was thinking about fucking him, about being fucked by him. The boy's mind was a tumble of erotic moments, all of them starring the hard member he was currently fellating. He saw Potter's memory of being on his back with Snape riding him. He saw a wet dream Potter had had involving being bent over his old student desk back in the Potions classroom, his arse plundered by Snape's fingers and tongue and finally, again, yes, his cock.

'You aren't even attempting to block me, Potter.'

The green eyes gazed up at him lasciviously. The prettily bruised mouth eased off from its task. 'I know,' he said, his voice thick. 'But I want you to see how much I'm enjoying this.'

'That's hardly the point of these lessons.'

'Just this once... let me show you.' And the mouth descended upon him again, the tongue flexing against his engorged flesh.

A fantasy version of himself drawled "Detention again, Potter". There was their first kiss in this very room. Potter was on all fours on his bed in the dark, feeling the slick length of Snape's cock thrust roughly into him again and again. Potter's fingers were sliding in his mouth. His legs were wrapped around Potter's rib cage. His hands were holding Potter's head steady as he eased himself into Potter's hungry mouth. Potter was exclaiming "Shit, I love this! I love you!" as he clumsily banged his ex-teacher for the first time.

Snape extracted himself from Potter's mind as he became lost in the sensation of his cock emptying into the young throat swallowing around it. His balls ached with the pulse of the orgasm and he pushed himself up further, watching saliva and come dribble out of Potter's mouth and down what little of his shaft hadn't been able to fit.

The boy really had become astoundingly good at fellatio in a very short period of time. Most impressive.

Potter continued to suck him lazily until his dick was completely limp, then he gently tucked Snape away again and wiped at his mouth and chin as he stood up, crossing the room to flop down tiredly into one of the other chairs. Snape sprawled where he was a few moments longer while his breathing steadied and his thoughts gathered. He'd forgotten about the younger man's exclamation of love. At the time, it had seemed so obviously to be merely a mid-coitus blurting. People said all sorts of outrageous things between the sheets that they would never normally even dream of saying – Snape knew this. The words had clearly stuck in Potter's thoughts though. And Potter, sitting across the room with his cheeks still flushed and his mouth now thoroughly fucked, knew full well that Snape had just heard the admission once again whilst in his mind.

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