Chapter Twelve

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'I'm sorry. I'm sorry.' Harry hadn't been able to say anything else for the past minute or so. Snape was starting to feel a bit bad for the boy – he was obviously unused to crying in front of others and not comfortable with it. And yet, Snape understood that the tears had been involuntary and of the joyous variety; just as his own had been. There was no shame in responding so heartily to such a spell as they had just wrought. He tried mutterings on this theme as he stroked the boy's skin and hair, but it would seem that Potter would just have to calm down of his own accord. Snape got comfortable under the covers and hauled Potter's still shuddering body against him. With his arms around Harry's shoulders and his chin resting on Harry's head, Snape closed his eyes and set about waiting however long it would take for his young lover to recover. The onset of questions would most likely be the best indicator...

'What on earth just happened then, Snape?' Potter whispered against his chest ten minutes or more later.

'Oh, compos mentis once again, are we?'


Snape smiled into the bird's nest of hair. 'In your right mind, Harry?'

'After that? I'm not sure.'

'Mm. Perhaps I should have fore warned you of the outcome.'

'I wouldn't have believed you anyway.'

'True. In answer to your question, we just, ah, rubbed our sexual powers against one another. For lack of a better expression.'

'Well... I can believe that. How does it work? Was it a spell?'

'Yes. The Culmen Densus. A most coarse and rudimentary potion, if you will...'

'Potion?' Potter lifted his head from Snape's chest and frowned in consternation. 'That doesn't make sense.'

They rearranged their positions slightly, both heads resting on the same pillow, limbs still draped around and upon one another. 'Inadequate choice of descriptor, I'll admit, but the analogy can still hold. With the spell I incanted when I first entered you, we were able to hear the current of our own sexual powers. Then we took two magically powerful ingredients – your semen and my own – and we mixed them together during an act of incredible closeness and intimacy. At the moment when the two ingredients were mixed, we could hear and sense those currents combine and flow together as one, creating a combined power, or force if you like, that we could both feel.'

'I can still feel it a little...'

'Yes. Take up your wand and try a Lumos for me.'

Harry grinned slightly and reached to the bedside table for his wand. 'Lumos,' he muttered. A dazzling light shot out of the wand and lit up the entire room. Around the edges of the nimbus were faint tints of green and red, the two colours mingling together as they danced at the periphery of the almost-blinding glare. 'Wow!' said Potter, predictably.

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