Chapter Fifteen

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'Let's skip our lesson – just for today, Snape! – and Apparate up to your room for an hour. Remus won't know.' Harry's eyes glinted, realising that Snape hadn't immediately protested the suggestion. That was a promising sign, at least.

Snape sighed, brushing his cheek against Harry's. 'I let you get away with far too much.'

'Only because you want me so bad.'

The black eyes bore into him steadily. Snape held him even closer and Apparated them both into his room upstairs. Harry blinked, startled at the smoothness of the action. He grinned up at his lover. 'Has anyone ever told you you're really impressive?'

'You did, not ten minutes ago, you little prat.' Wards and silencing charms fell into place.

'Oh yeah! I forgot.' Snape kissed him again and he forgot everything else as well.

Slowly, they worked their way toward the bed, removing items of each other's clothing as they went. Snape had accepted Harry's feelings and was still here, still doing this with him, still kissing him and undressing him and taking him to bed. Harry smiled around a kiss and hummed with delight.

As soon as they were naked and lying down together, Harry spread his limbs out and offered himself up to the other man. Snape held himself back from the offering for a moment, holding Harry with a look that Harry couldn't quite make out,then lowered himself over Harry's body gently. Snape's lips ghosted over Harry's before pressing into another slow kiss, his black hair falling around both their faces as their bodies settled around each other comfortably.

With their erections aligned, they rubbed languorously against one another and their kisses deepened. Harry hooked a leg over Snape's and ground his hips upward, desperate for more contact, more friction. Immediately, Snape dipped one hand down and between Harry's legs from the rear, making Harry moan as Snape's mouth moved off his and onto his throat, sucking hard ove rhis pulse point.

'Bloody hell! You trying to mark me, or what?'

The sucking continued for a few seconds more, then Snape raised his head (and an eyebrow) and smirked down at Harry. 'Well, you are mine now, are you not?' He brushed his fingers over Harry's arsehole, smiling as he watched Harry's reaction to the light touch on so sensitive a place. 'Accio lubricant,' he whispered and the tube flew off the bedside table and into his free hand. He snapped the cap off and squeezed a small amount onto the other hand, repositioning it back at Harry's entrance immediately. 'Have you been keeping count, Harry?'

'Hm? Keeping count of what?'

One long, talented finger slid into Harry's body. 'How many times we've done this. I know teenagers generally do...'

Harry felt his face heat a little. 'This will make it nineteen.'

Snape fingered him deeply but slowly. 'Is that all? Does that include fellatio?'

Harry blushed more. 'No. Just sex. Should I be counting the blowjobs, too, do you think?'

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