Chapter Five

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'You're... you... that... Wow.' Harry felt boneless and languid but couldn't for the life of him stop grinning. 'If Hogwarts ever decides to have sex education classes,you're definitely the man for the job.'

Snape rolled his eyes at the canopy in reply to that. He had cleaned them both up a little with a mixture of cleansing spells and a ready towel ("Lube on the bedside table, towel next to the bed... were you actually expecting to get laid tonight, Snape?", "Well, I DID invite you up here, you simpleton!") and now they lay side by side, almost touching but not quite, letting the cool night air quell some of the fire in their heated bodies. Harry finally took his glasses off and,folding them neatly, reached an arm out to place them on the table at his side of the bed.

'That... button inside me...'

'The prostate gland.'

'Yeah, that. That was pretty... intense.' Harry stifled an exhausted yawn. 'I guess that's what makes anal sex feel like... that?'

'Stimulation of the prostate can help a male achieve a longer lasting and more intense orgasm, yes. But I'd hate for you to think that the act is pointless without it. Women can enjoy anal sex too, Mister Potter, and they don't have a prostate gland.'

'They don't?'

Snape shot Harry a baleful look. 'It aids in the production of semen, you idiot child! What on earth would a woman need one of those for? Dear god, perhaps Hogwarts does need to add human sexuality to the curriculum.' He sighed heavily. 'Have all the other sensations you just experienced paled, simply because I've shown you a tiny gland you never even knew you had?'

Harry thought about that, about the closeness he and Snape had just shared, about the feeling of being entered and filled completely, about the sliding and the thrusting and muscles moving in ways he'd never felt before, about the feeling of having someone – a lover! – inside you, moving within you and giving you pleasure... He shook his head and cuddled up to the slightly scowling man beside him. 'No,' he assured him, draping an arm across the scarred chest, 'None of it has paled. And I doubt it ever will.'

Harrumphing, Snape eased an arm under Harry's head and neck, pulling him in closer. Harry lay his head on Snape's shoulder and yawned again, his mouth open on warm, smooth flesh.

'I won't be offended if you sleep now, Mister Potter. It's a natural male reaction to the endorphins we just released.'

'You know so much about stuff.'

Snape obviously didn't seem to think that statement worthy of a response. Harry snuggled closer still, hooking a leg over one of Snape's. 'Okay, I'll sleep now. But if I wake up during the night – '

'You have permission to molest me, yes.'

Harry smiled broadly against Snape's skin. 'You're amazing.'


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