Chapter Nineteen

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The second time Harry and Snape performed the Culmen Densus spell, it took Harry even longer to stop sobbing than the first time he'd encountered it. He supposed it was the added effect of the enhancement potion, plus the heightened emotional state of realising this could easily be the last time he might be alone with his lover. As he welcomed Snape's power into his body, he could feel his own settling within Severus, each spark and tendril of magic making its presence felt, making itself at home. He felt every emotion all at once, keenly, penetratingly. Harry felt... absolute completion for the first time in his life. As they rode out the waves of their climax together, Harry pressed his face up against Snape's chest, trailing trembling lips over the old scars there, knowing that he was muttering nonsense words of love and devotion against the damp flesh.

Severus made a soft, bemused noise. 'Your body sings in Parseltongue.'

Harry nodded into the juncture of Snape's neck and shoulder. 'How would you describe your sound?'

Snape sighed shallowly. 'Dark.'

All this time fighting for the side of Light, and the man still thought himself a Dark Wizard. What would it take to soothe him? To give the man his reckoning? Tell him his debts had been paid in full? Harry didn't know. 'Don't leave me,' he murmured over and over. 'Stay inside me. Don't leave. Don't leave...' He was still muttering it when his exhausted body drifted into a restless sleep.

* * *

'Have you slept at all?' It certainly didn't look as though Snape had.

'Maybe a little,' the deep voice answered, probably lying.

'And you didn't sleep the night before either.'

'I'll take some Pepper Up. And a concentration draught. How do you feel, Harry?'

Harry looked over his limbs, as though expecting his body to look as different on the outside as it felt on the inside. 'Powerful,' he whispered, and then laughed softly at himself. 'You?'

Snape nodded. 'And you doubted the efficacy of my enhancement potion.'

'Sorry.' Harry smirked. 'Forgive me?'

Severus answered him with a deep kiss. 'We have time to shower and for breakfast,' he noted when he pulled his mouth back reluctantly from Harry's.

The windows showed it was still pitch black outside. Why did markets always have to start so bloody early anyway? Wanting to avert disaster at a marketplace meant getting up in the middle of the damn night!

'I don't know if I could eat anything right now.'

'At least a little, Potter. You need strength and energy, remember.'

'I think you fucked all the strength and energy I need into me last night.'

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