Chapter 25

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Except it wasn't his cheek. He turn his head last second and his lips met mine for the second time ever.

-Your POV-

Embarrassed doesnt even begin to describe how I felt. Thats not what I meant to do!! He moved his head!! Its all his fault. I immediately pulled away and scrambled to the other side of the couch. "N-Natsu Im so s-sorry!! I-I meant to kiss your cheek b-but you moved!! A-And I- are you laughing at me?? Natsu its not funny!!" Queue pouty face in 3, 2, 1.

"(Y/n) its no big deal," he started, but had to pause from laughing at my embarrassment of course. "Come here" He said softly and calmingly, but its not like I had a choice anyways, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer while he supported himself on the arm rest of the couch. My arms were crossed as I leaned against him, because it helps with my pouty face. "(Y/n) you do know that we're dating, right?" He asked more as a joke.

"Yes Natsu, Im not that dumb" I huffed. I wasnt mad, I dont think I've ever actually been mad at him, I was just really embarrassed and he was teasing me about it.

"Okay, well that means a lot of things. Being in a relationship means that you can express how you feel and you shouldn't feel embarrassed about it. For instance, I can kiss you and only feel happy. I can kiss you here," he kissed my cheek like he always does. "here," his lips trailed to my nose. "and especially here," his finger guided my chin, tilting it towards him before placing his warm lips on mine. "But," he continued, "Im the only one who is allowed to kiss you, okay?"

I only nodded, I couldnt find my voice, but my cheeks flared up and were probably a shade of red that they've never been before.

-Natsu's POV-

Could (Y/n) get any cuter? She got super embarrassed about kissing me which, for one, is ridiculous since we're dating, but is also extremely adorable. Plus, I found how to make her blush like crazy again. So obviously its a win-win situation. Seeing her blush is one of my favorite things, but since we spend so much time together, she doesn't blush as often as she used to, but I found out how to get that back.

I shook my head and returned my focus back to her, I looked down at (Y/n) and saw her head resting against my chest, I readjusted to where we were laying down on the couch again. I want to make sure she's comfortable. I started running my fingers through her hair as my mind wandered off again.

The thing that (Y/n) doesn't know is that she gets all flustered and blushy at time, but so do I. I dont blush that often, but I do get just as flustered around her as she does around me. Im just better at hiding it. Some times its not easy, especially when shes tired and sleepy, or when shes pouting, and even when she wears my clothes which are way too big for her, it turns my stomach into knots and my heart races. My favorite is after she takes a shower and shes wearing her cute pjs and her makeup is long gone, thats when I get to see her natural beauty, and she's beautiful.

(Y/n)'s random mumbling brought my attention back, and also told me that she was sleeping. Since all of her blankets and pillows were already down here, I decided not to move her. All I did was reach around and grab as many blankets as I could without waking her up, and wrapped the two of us with them. My eyelids became heavy before I drifted to sleep.

• • • • • • • • • • •


"5 more minutes..."


"Natsuuuu, make it stoppp" (Y/n) squirmed around in my arms, trying to block out the sound of the alarm. I blindly looked around and grabbed my phone which was expelling the awful ringing noise. I swiped over and it finally stopped, (Y/n) relaxed a bit. The bright light blinded my eyes as I dared to check the time.

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