Chapter 14

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-Your POV-

Last night was kind of a blur. No I wasn't drinking or anything, but after we started the movies I don't really remember too much.

Waking up the next morning was a completely different story. I didn't have a blanket but I felt warm enough without one. Now Im generally a cold person, so this didn't make much sense at all to me. I adjusted myself ever so slightly only to feel something tighten around my waist.

What could that be you ask? Who else. It was Natsu. I remember him and I sitting on the mini couch for the movies, so Im assuming that we both fell asleep on it too. I kept my eyes closed through all of this, and Im glad I did. I heard giggling and camera clicks. Many, many camera clicks.

Perfect. I knew that if I opened my eyes I would be greeted with Mira, Levy, and Lucy fangirling over what was going on. Which would've been embarrassing, extremely embarrassing. After a few minutes Loke became my savior.

"Hey guys come on, leave them alone. They're sleeping and we have breakfast ready upstairs." The girls just grumbled in response, obviously not happy about leaving us alone. So Loke just had to open his big mouth again. "Anyways, it'll be was more fun to tease them about it when they wake up." That was exactly what they wanted to hear. After some approving comments, I heard them all go upstairs.

I waited a few minutes just to make sure they were gone before opening my eyes. The room was empty, thank goodness, but it was a total mess. I tried to get up but Natsu kept his grip on my waist. I'll admit it, I kinda forgot he was holding on to me since I was focusing on everyone else leaving first.

Soooo, obviously my face became a tomato. The worst part was that I didn't know how to get him to let go without waking him up. I knew if I mentioned something about food he would let go, but it would also wake him up.

Then I got an idea. I picked up one of the pillows on the ground and took a feather out of it. I used the feather to tickle his nose, because I thought maybe he'd let go or something. Which he did, and as soon as he did I slipped away so I wouldn't get trapped again.

After that I went into the bathroom to try and make myself more presentable before going upstairs. I also may have been looking for an escape so I didn't have to face my friends... But come on, wouldn't you?? Maybe I could find an excuse to go home... Romeo! Yes, that's perfect!

I gathered up my things from the basement and quietly walked upstairs. When I made it into the kitchen, all eyes were on me, along with a few smirks here and there.

"Good morning (y/n)~. How did you sleep last night~?" Levy cooed. I knew exactly what she was talking about which is why I needed to get out of there.

"I slept alright..." Keep your cool, just get. out. of. there. "But actually I have to go home and check up on Romeo," I backed up, trying to get to the door. But I was being followed, with everyone's eyes still locked on me. "I'll um... Catch up with you guys later, bye!" I made it outside, thank goodness.

From inside I heard Mira I think say something along the lines of, 'Damn it, we let her get away.' I think I really dodged a bullet there. A few minutes later I got home and quietly opened the door incase Romeo was still sleeping. He was, but on the floor...? I glanced over to the couch and saw his friend Wendy asleep. He probably let her sleep on the couch and thats why he's on the floor.

I set my stuff down and went upstairs to my room. Then I took a quick shower and laid back in my bed. I wonder if Natsu's awake yet... Poor him, he doesn't have anywhere else he can go like I can. Just as I started to relax, my phone goes off.

1 New Message: Levy

Levy: Don't think that just because you weaseled your way out this morning doesn't mean we forgot about this

Attachment: 1 image

Crap. Crap. Crap. Along with the text was a picture that she took this morning of Natsu and I. I should've known she wouldn't let it go that easily... Yes she's my bestfriend, but she loves to tease me whenever she can. And throughout all of this, I still haven't heard from Natsu... Does he know?

-Natsu's POV-

I woke up in the basement, alone. Everyone else probably just went upstairs, so thats where I went too. I found them all in the kitchen, but they were all staring at me. Creepy.

"Uh... Good morning guys..." I said a little creeped out while I sat down with them.

"Good morning Natsu~. Im guess you slept well?" Mira sang out. Knowing her, shes up to something, and I more than likely don't wanna know what it is.

"Uh, yeah I did. Hey, Loke, can I talk to you for a sec?" I gave him a 'this is important' look and he nodded and followed me up to my room.

"What's up Pinky?"

"What the hell is going on." I said more as a statement than a question.

"What are you talking about?" He asked while crossing his arms.

"Dont give me that crap. You know exactly what Im talking about. Mira had that crazy look in her eyes. That 'Im up to something' look. So, what is it."

"You know Dragneel, you're smarter than you look sometimes. You really wanna know? Here." He handed me his phone that was open to a picture. But not just any picture, it was one of me and (y/n) sleeping together on the mini couch in my basement.

I didn't know what to say. I was at a loss for words while I felt my cheeks getting warmer. "This didn't happen. Right? Tell me this didn't happen.." He took his phone out of my hand and I looked up to see him smirking.

"Oh, but it did. And I know that you actually aren't upset about it happening either."

Then it hit me. "Wait, where is (y/n) anyways..?" I said nervously.

"She went home. She had to check on her little brother or something."

"Does she know...?"

"Of course she knows," He rolled his eyes like that was the stupidest question he's ever heard. "She woke up before you, did you really think she wouldn't know?" He said laughing a bit at the end.

I laid on my back on top of my bed while covering my face with my hands. "What am I gonna do?"

"You're gonna tell her how you feel. Obviously."

"No, that wasn't part of our deal Loke. And why do I have to tell her?? Aren't girls supposed to be the emotional ones?"

"You really want proof that bad? Fine. Easy. But you have to tell her, forget the whole 'emotional' crap. You're just scared."

"You know what," I sat up to look at him again. "You get proof, I'll tell her. But, you have to tell Lucy how you feel. Since you think this is all so easy." He wasn't expecting that, which cause his cheeks to turn pink too. That's exactly what I wanted.

"F-Fine. No problem."

"Do we have a deal?"



Heeeyyyy guys. Sorry if this chapter seemed repetitive from old chapters, but Im building up to it and making alterations.

I also wanna know what you guys want. In the future, do you want a second book? Or should I just make this one really long?

Every comment helps!

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Til next time 🍍


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