First Meeting

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   "So,we re going to do this CF with girl group?What is the theme?"ask Namjoon with serious expression.As always,he is going to lead BTS when they in a work mood.
  "Just a new school uniform from Smart company.Since the two of you become a hot news lately and really suitable for young concept.They take you.This night,we are going to do a musical style and choreography and recording song will start at 6."said Bts manager.
  The other start to nod their head while reading a lyrics given.There was male and female part."Ouh..hyung..who is the other groups?"ask V after being silent for awhile.Everyone look at their manager also participate with the answer.The manager look like thinking for a while.
  "I think...its Gfriend''said manager.Bts look at each other and nod their head.Its only 3 o'clock.There have 3 hours so Bts just walk to their practice room and roaming around.
Gfriend pov
  "Guyssss... calm down."shout Sowon to Sinb and Yerin.They start to playing and dancing around.Yuju and the other just laughing but start to calm down when see their manager come in.
  "Today we are going to do recording and dance practice for SMART uniform at Big hit entertaiment ok.You guys go home.Take a rest and make sure get ready before 6"said manager.All of them start to clean all the mess they do just now and take a seat at the car.
  Car seat from front to back
Yuju just stare outside the window.Yuju going to be really busy this week because of the special collaboration with Sunyoul(Up10tion).Last night,she sleep late because of the first mv recording done at 2 am.
  "Yuju-ah.Are you okay?"ask Sowon make Yuju look back to her member.Everyone stick their eyes to her.Yuju just smile and nod her head.After a few minute,they arrive at the dorm and Yuju lay her body on the bed.She fall asleep after a few minute.
   "Yuju-ah..Wake up.Its already 5 o'clock.Take a bath and get ready.Everyone wait for you."said Sowon while patting Yuju back seeing her tired face.Yuju sigh but still move from the bed.Sowon look worried about Yuju condition.
  "How Yuju unnie?"ask Sinb.They already take a sit in the car.Sowon sigh."Im just worried.She look really tired.Today,she just sleep for 4 hours because of pack schelude."said Sowon.The other also become silent thinking about Yuju.A few minutes later,Yuju come out with a simple practice fashion.Always beautiful with her beautiful body shape.

  The other look at Yuju who stand outside for awhile talking to her phone

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  The other look at Yuju who stand outside for awhile talking to her phone."Ahh.. i am really jealous with her body and height"said Sinb.The other just nod and laugh.
  Yuju walk in with a tired face but still managed to give a smile to her member.
  "When your next schelude?"ask Yerin.Yuju sigh and make a cute face."At 10.I have a magazine photoshoot."said Yuju.She start to lean her head on Yerin shoulder.Yerin tap Yuju head.
Third person Pov
  Gfriend arrive and get a warm welcome from Bighit Ceo that are really close with Source Ceo to.They are being escorted to dance practice room and standing in is 7 man.ITS BTS.They start to greet each other and sit on the floor to hear what their PD said.
  "Okay..Firstly,we are going to separated you to two group.First group will record first and dance practice later.Second group will dance practice and record later.After all of you done.We are going to do a wrap up with a full dance version.Okay?"said the PD and everyone nod.
First group
Jungkook,Yuju,Eunha,Jimin,Jhope and Sinb
Second group
Rapmonster,V,Yerin,Umji,Suga,Sowon and Jin

   Jungkook start first and managed to done it in the first try same with the other.Yuju look worried since she the last one.Yuju try to focus but she cant."What wrong with me?"said Yuju annoyedly when she keep making wrong.The PD tell Yuju to calm down first.
  Jungkook stare at Yuju who just sit on the sofa look really tired.He takes a bottle of mineral water and give it to Yuju.Yuju look shock and bow to take a bottle.Jungkook just smile and take a seat beside Yuju.The situation look really awkward.
  "You tired?"ask Jungkook.Break the silent.Yuju shook her head.Jungkook smile seeing Yuju cute reaction.Jungkook told Yuju to go record and give 'fighting' when the PD call Yuju.Yuju managed to end it and all of then walk to practice room.
  "Yuju and Jungkook going to be the main point.You too have to show chemistry and lead the other to show family theme"The two nod.When arrive at their part,Jungkook keep looking at Yuju eyes and smile.Same with Yuju but Yuju more to shy smile.
  The other partner already become really closed.Yuju,Jungkook and rap monster is the only one who busy with theirself.Sometimes Yuju smile seeing the other chemistry that look really cute.Yuju sigh and start to walk out and sit on the bench at the rooftop.The night wind that blow voldly make Yuju body feel less tired.It is only 8 o'clock and they are going to do the wrap on 9.They are waiting for dinner.
  Yuju shock feeling a cold at her cheek.She look and see Rap monster smile to her.Yuju laugh.Dont know why but she feel really comfortable with Namjoon. .same with Heechul and Taeyeon.
*I make SJ Heechul and SNSD Taeyeon as a close friend to Yuju *
  "What are you doing here alone?"ask Rap monster.Yuju smile looking at the night sky."Nothing.Just rest my mind"said Yuju." are getting busy these days?"ask Rap monster.He lean on the walls beside the bench.Yuju nod."Why?Trying to earn lot of money"ask him again.Yuju laugh."No..just try to busy myself"said Yuju.
  After a few minutes of talk,Yuju and Rap monster walk to practice room.Everyone look at them and they just smile.They do a final wrap amd take a dinner together.Tomorrow they are going to meet again to film a speacial movie about this song.Yuju continue her schelude even its already late at night.She end it on 3 in the morning and back home tiredly knowing her schelude with begin on 3 in afternoon.

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