Friend Zone

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   Bts pov
We take a sit in the car head to Busan for photoshoot at the beach.Today weather is a little bit cold.Jimin and Jungkook start to tease each other.
"Our Jin-hyung going to be really happy seeing his soulmate..."said Jungkook and start giggling.Jin just smile."Jungkook-ah,you are the only one who feel awkward with your partner"said Namjoon and tap Jungkook head.Jungkook glare at him.
  "Ouh...Namjoon ah..I see you really close with Yuju lately?''said Suga.Namjoon sip his coffee."Yes..i meet her during our special stage.She look around and i think she is a little bit clumsy.Hahah...that time she look like a cute kid lost her way and i help her.That time we start to being close friend"said Namjoon.
  Everyone nod." are so lucky hyung.Yuju is really beautiful"said V.The other nod and pouted.They arrive at the beach and take a sit under the tent that ready there.They find that gfriend not arrive yet so they start their make up first.
  Gfriend arrive a little bit late and start to greet.Everyone especially Jungkook look amazed by Yuju tired fashion...Yuju look really not in a good mood with her black cap.
  Yuju look dont care after the greet.She take a sit and start do a make up while other gfriend member start to play around with bts at the beach.Jin and Sowon play a rock-paper-scissor to see who will dive in the cold water first.The other too also play.Jungkook and Namjoon join them.
  Yuju get a sudden phone call from her father.Her father open a company at LA together with her sister.Yuju live here with her mother.Yuju comes from a well rich family.
  "Hello...why father?"ask Yuju serious face.''Here,you have a filming movie next week.So you fly here at Monday."said her father.Yuju just nod and shut the line.
  They start the filming.Yuju look at Jimin and Eunha who help each other when they start to sick because of the sand.Yuju smile seeing their cuteness.Jungkook who stand beside Yuju stare at her face.
  They start the photoshoot and move in the building near that place.Bts will play basketball while Gfriend will cheer for them.While waiting for ghe director instruction,Yuju lay on the long chair.The other unnie talk something with bts and Yuju does not even care.
  One blank bottle being throw to Yuju head make Yuju shock.She get up quickly while holding her head.She glare at them.Gfriend hold their laughter while bts already laugh hard.Yuju give a sharp look to Namjoon.
  "What the--"Namjoon hut Yuju again with bottle."Dont curse"said Namjoon.Yuju hold his head with both hand."Yahhhhh...."Namjoon hit again make Yuju stand up and take a bottle beside her.Yuju start to attack Namjoon.Namjoon fall on the floor.With Yuju taekwondo skill,Namjoon surrender.All of them laugh.
  All of them assemble at one of the restaurant after done shooting.Yuju tell the other,news about her new Hollywood movie and receive cheering.All of them become close day by day.
Yuju walk to Heechul house.Its Heechul private house and she is going to meet him and taeyeon unnie there.Yuju walk in and get greet by the two of them.Yuju end up hug the two of them and tears start to flow out.Heechul shock and look at Taeyeon.
"Why Yuju ah?"ask Taeyeon and stroke Yuju head.Yuju keep staring at the floor.They sit on the sofa at the living room.Yuju let out her tab and look at something before puf it on the table.
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  "Did'nt i already told you.Never care about what the other said.But...its not anything right.Either bad comment..all of them giving you a permission.Then,why you are crying?"ask Heechul.
  Yuju shook her head."I think i like him so much"said Yuju.She had been fighting with her own feeling because she is worried about the reaction.
  "Wahhhh..really..."said Taeyeon and hug Yuju.Yuju shock but accept the hug.Tomorrow,Yuju going to fly to LA and going to comeback after a week.

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