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Yuju become a hot issue after comeback from overseas with a title '2nd most beautiful woman in world'.Her airport fashion already show you her beautiful side.
**just imagine yuju wear this..i think it will be daebak**

   Yuju arrive home knowing that her member not here

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   Yuju arrive home knowing that her member not here.Yuju put her belongings slowly while thinking of gfriend schelude."I dont think we have schelude today...haaa..where did they go?I want to invite them for today party at my house.Yuju clean sone dish at the kitchen.Yuju try to cook something when suddenly her phone ring.
   "Ouhh...unnie..where are you going?I just-"Yuju voice stuck at her throat."Arasseo..Wait for me"said Yuju and quickly take her personal car key on the table.Yuju drive her BMW heading to Source Music main company.Yuju make a phone call to her father.
  "What is this?Our contract just start last year and what the f**k with the moving?"Yuju take a position as a leader as always if its regarding a gfriend back work.Yuju get a phone call from Sowon telling that they are going to get fired from Source music and will be buy by some other company.
  "What do you think we are?Things...You know what we have give to this conpany right?"This time,you cant see clumsy girl anymore but a girl full with charisma.The other member still shock with this situation.Eunha,Umji,Yerin start to have a tears in their eyes while Sowon and Sinb just stare at the floor.
"Whatever you you move out from the dorm.There is a few company want to buy you but not all of you.We still give you the song but if you managed to get buy as whole."Yuju start to hit the table let out a loud noise.Yuju smirk and stand up.
  "You...called for a war.Dont you remember who i am..This company going to burn down the moment i step out from this place.I find the company by my own and thank you for the song."said Yuju and start to walk out follow by the other.
  Their manager and stylist start to hug them.A few also cry because they also dont know what happen.Yuju call for taxi for the other to ride while Yuju drive her car.From the start to end,Yuju discuss with her father through phone.They arrive at the dorm to clean the things.
  "Uljimaaaa...unnie"said Yuju and hug Sowon.The other also hug them make a group hug.They start to cry.Yuju also feeling hurt seeing what happen.
"I am going to bring all of you to my parents house at Gangnam first for now.I will take care all the things first and we are going to stay in LA until all this things make a solution."said Yuju this time with a serious face.
  Eunha and Umji start to cry when they step out from the house.Yuju glare from the side mirror letting out a deep sigh."Mianhaeyo unnie...Umji and Sinb..Sorry for leaving you all alone facing this situation"said Yuju.
  They arrive and since Yuju parents not here The house is fully empty.Yuju tell the other to rest while she do some cleaning.Yuju start to clean the table but feel someone behind."Sowon unnie?"said Yuju.Sowon come and also help Yuju clean.Yuju look at Sowon."Yuju-ah..gumawo..You always become a leader when we have a bad times.I really amaze with you"said Sowon.Yuju smile."Aniyo unnie..I just help you and i just used the power i have.Dont worry..I m going to bring us for healing time.Tell me where you want to go.I will bring you"said Yuju with a wink.
  "Reallly?"said Sinb.The other also there.They run to living room with cheer.Yerin start to hug Yuju."Guys...where should we go?"ask Sinb with her crazy style.Umji and Eunha join."I really want to go to Paris.Lets travel around the world..Can we Yuju?"said Eunha.Everyone look at Yuju.Yuju make a serious face make everyone look down."gajaaaaaaaaa!!"shout Yuju make everyone cheer.Yuju feel happy seeing their bright face again.
  Suddenly,the doorbell ringing.Everyone stop moving."Is it reporter?"said Umji."aniyaa...I saw the webs but it still not out yet"said Yerin.Yuju look at the other."Is there a neighbour?"ask Eunha.Yuju shook."This house in private.No one can walk in or out without me or my family"said Yuju.
  Yuju walk to the doorbell and open the door."Guys...why you so late?Its tired of waiting."Yuju gets push to the wall by the door when V and Jimin walk in rushly.Yuju shock.The other too."Did you play mannequin challenge?"ask Suga with straight face when Gfriend does not move.Yuju close the door after all the Bts walk in.
  "What are you doing here?"ask Sowon.They start to take a seat.Dont worry.The living room is big enough for all of them.Yuju walk to the kitchen to take a drink but still wait for their answer."We heard about the news"said Jhope.He stare at Sinb but she avoid the eye contact.Yuju almost drop the carbonated can but Jungkook managed to help her.Yuju dont know when Jungkook follow her to the kitchen.
  The kitchen just beside the living room so they still can communicate."How do you know?"ask Eunha.Jimin start to move his seat beside her and tap her back."Bighit want to buy you all"said Jimin.But the way he talk receive a sharp stare from Yuju."We are not the things to swap"said Yuju in a serious tone give a shiver to other.
  "Okay2..relax..We are sorry okay"said Namjoon try to calm the situation.Yuju put the pan with a drink on the table while Jungkook put a lot types of chips infront of them."So what is your plan?"ask Jungkook after take a seat beside Namjoon.Gfriend managed to sigh at the same time."Im going to bring them back to my place.I mean,overseas.Its more safe and i will be the one who manage all the things hear including an official press conference."said Yuju seriously.The other nod.
  "What you will do there?"ask Jin."Some travel"said Yuju.They nod again.
  "Yahh Yuju-ah.Congratulation for your beautiful award"said Namjoon suddenly with giggling.Yuju roll her eyes."Oppa..Its not the right timing"Namjoon just laugh and start to tease Yuju."Wahhhh..our Yuju is really beautiful.She become the number 2 with this ugly face.The one who vote for her must be-"Papppp...Namjoon receive a special pillow attack at the face from Yuju make he stop talking.Namjoon pouted because of hurt and receive the laugh from everyone.They start to play a pillow fight and the situation become really chaos.
The next morning,Icheon airport full with a reporter after the news about Gfriend becomes trending last night.Gfriend going to take a flight to LA after the official statement out regarding the fired of them from Source music.Yuju father send a few bodyguard to protect them.They safely arrive at LA and start to travel around.Yuju also busy with her movie and Yuju going to debut in Hollywood as singer.
**I m going to make Yuju as Selena gomez because i think Yuju will look beautiful if she try this kind of concept..hihi..sorry for my imagination**

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