The Start of all The Mess

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After 1 month,Yuju walk out from the airport with her lawyer and bodyguard.Yuju wears a simple formal and going to COEX for special press conference.It is live to all the korea station tv.
  Bts start to take a seat after being call by their boss.They watch a live tv show regarding Gfriend situation.Yuju let them know about their special debut under BigHit make Bts shock.
"What is this?"ask Namjoon.He doesnt know anything.Their boss,Bang Pd just smirk.He shut the tv off."Listen here guys..Yuju going to come here after this to tied the contract between us.I buy them for you all"said Bang Pd.Bts look at each other."What do you mean?"ask Jungkook."It just for you to have fun and one more things they are going to give me more money.They still have a condition to deal with.."said Bang Pd.
  "What condition?"ask Jimin.They start to look at each other with worried look when they see Bang Pd smirk.
  Bts welcomed Gfriend at their practice room.They hangout together until night."Guys..are you sure about this?"said Namjoon.He look to all of them.Yuju walk in after going to washroom."What sure?"ask Yuju with innocent face.The other start to look down while Jungkook keep her eyes on Yuju.
gfriend walk in the office without Yuju because of her schelude.Bts also join."What wrong?"ask Sowon."You guys can continue here but under one condition.Take one virgin''All of them shock.Its only Yuju i think the virgin since she does not have time to have boyfriend.Everyone shock and look at each other.
  "Why...Its a gift for you Jungkook.You just turn 20 and i think the virgin Yuju right.So..its fair for both of you"said Bang Pd.They want to object but Jungkook look like he accept it.
"Yuju ah..You can drink right.You are going to be 20 and lets celebrate."said Sowon with awkward smile.All of them raise a cheer and actually Yuju drink contain a sleeping pills.Theh gulp the drink.The other start to do their own things.Yuju start to feel dizzy.
  Yuju tap Yerin shoulder."Unnie..if you drink for the first time.Did you always get dizzy?"ask Yuju.Yerin nod and give a stare to the other.Yuju start to feel more dizzy and start to fall asleep.Everyone start to walk out the room.Jimin hit Jungkook shoulder."Now,its your job".
  Gfriend worried to leave Yuju alone but soon Bts drag them out.
  Yuju woke up feeling a weird pain at her body.Yuju hold her head try to remember.Moment she pull her body up,she know that she is naked."What the-What happen?"ask Yuju.She look around the empty room.Tears start to form from her eyes while she cillect her clothes that shatter on the floor.Yuju remember the moment her drink and she make a way to the main practice room after get the information from the staff.
  Yuju stop infront of the door hearing everything.Yuju hold her tears and the sobbing sound.
  "All of you done a good job.Now,you can promote and actually gfriend going to make a comeback after Bts.So, we meet again."said Bang Pd from inside the room.
  The door open and everyone shock seeing Yuju stand there.Yuju just stare on the floor.Bang Pd hold Yuju head with smirk and walk away.Sowon and the other look around.Bts too."Yuju-ah.."said Yerin.She receive a smirk from Yuju."I thought i hear a joke"said Yuju.They can see a tears mark at her face."Yuju-ah"said Sowon."I want to talk to gfriend please.Get out"said Yuju with serious face.
  Bts make a way out and Yuju shut the door.Bts worried so they wait outside to hear what they said.
  "Why?Why are you doing this to me?"ask Yuju with a cold calm voice.All of them does not try to answer.They stare on the floor."I ask you why?"her voice raise to another notes."We just help"said Eunha.Yuju laugh."HELP???You sell me.You make me lost everything.What did i do wrong to you?WHAT!!!"Yuju shout make the member flinch scaredly.
  Bts also shock.Jungkook just make a poker face.Yuju chest move up and down because of anger."I...i dissapointed with you.I trust you.I love you but now...."
"Its not like that..''said Sinb.Yuju smirk.Yuju shook her head."For bussy sake,Im going to hold on but never try to be friend with me.We are just a worker..."said Yuju and walk out from the room withour turning back.The other tears start to fall.
  Jungkook follow Yuju.He pull Yuju hand and pin her to the wall.Jungkook face just a inch away."Its not their fault.Its the boss wish"said Jungkook coldly.Yuju move around try to release herself.Yuju smirk."Then,Is your boss a god that you need to always fulfill his wish.Did you dont know a word no?"said Yuju.Jungkook laugh.
  "You should be grateful.There is a hundred people out there want me to sleep with them"said Jungkook."But im not one of them.You know what.They still wait because they dont know how dirty you are"said Yuju.Jungkook push Yuju away and leave her.Yuju sigh and drive home.Its still early in the morning.

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