Caladrius Feathers - Prologue

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A/N: Please note that this is a rough draft that, once finished and revised, will be put up for publication. I am posting the rough draft on here because I would like non-bias opinions on what should be revised/added/taken out. Feedback is appreciated. Writing, characters, concept (c) Marie Worbington


“I am full of hate, and that, I know, is wicked.”

            I thought about death often. As a child, I feared death more than anything. The thought of endlessly drifting through oblivion was not exactly welcoming. I told myself I would die doing something heroic, something people would remember, something to make the oblivion worth it. I imagined the weeping faces of my loved ones as my lifeless body was lowered into my stone casket. The flock of people would remember all of my acts of valor with heavy hearts. The prayers would be said, and there I would remain for the rest of eternity to sit on my laurels. I hoped death would be a peaceful thing, slowly fading into nothing like a feather sinking into a puddle of ink. I would close my eyes as the quiet nothingness engulfed me and for a moment I would stay submerged like that, holding my breath as if I were underwater. And then the pressure would release and I would be gone.

            I did not die like a hero, although some would argue different. I died in shame. I did not die peacefully. I died with a sword through my heart and in the arms of the only person who ever truly loved me. I died with the heaviest of weights bearing down on my shoulders. Everyone I ever cared about suffered at my hands all for the sake of pride. But as my elder brother caressed my slowly decaying corpse, all of the envy and spite I once held toward him vanished and was replaced by sickening guilt.

            I thought about death often. As a man, I wished for death more than anything. The thought of endlessly drifting through oblivion was exceedingly welcoming. Death is painful. More painful than living. But dying in the place of someone you love seems like a good way to go.

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