Chapter 3

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Riley's POV

When I woke up I wasn't in the car, I was in a bed. I looked forward to see my boyfriend sleeping in a bed opposite of me. He must have brought into the house, I thought to myself with a smile on my face. Well I might as well make him breakfast so we're even, I said to myself getting out of bed stealthily. Good thing I packed food.

I walked around giving myself a mini tour of the house, before finding the kitchen. I went to the suitcase I packed with food(and I mean packed with food! Probably took half the food in my old house) and opened it, grabbing all the foods I will need to make James' favourite breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

I got to work making food for the both of us, thinking to myself it was a good thing I picked up how to cook from my 'old mom'. By the time I was placing the food neatly on two plates, James groggily stumbled downstairs rubbing his eyes and yawning. The sleepiness immediately left him as he spotted two plates containing his favourite breakfast. He practically ran up to my and started smothering my face with kisses saying "thank you" in between each. I laughed at his show of affection just for breakfast, then managed to push away his face and give him his plate of food. He pecked my cheek real quick the went to the couch to eat in front of the tv. I picked up my plate to join him. After breakfast, we took our bags upstairs and settled into the master bedroom.

At first it was a little awkward thinking about sharing a room with James, but I pushed that thought aside. He is my boyfriend and I should not be ashamed to do anything in front of him. Only problem was the undressing and such, but for now, I will be changing in the bathroom while James changes in the bedroom. Only rule is that he MUST put his pants on first, since I've already seen him shirtless so it doesn't matter if he has a shirt in or not.

The rest of the day went by quick with us just getting used to the house, and being all 'coupley'.

While we were lounging on the couch, James flashed me a smile and said"This is the life"

I returned the smile and replied"Couldn't get any better than this."

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