Chapter 9

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Riley's POV

Me and James decided to have a fun night, just the two of us. We agreed to just have a simple board game with some snacks.

James picked the game Monopoly. I didn't disagree, the game was pretty fun.

Suddenly, James smirked.

J: How about we make this game a little more interesting?

R: What did you have in mind?

J: Whoever loses has to be the other person's slave.......for a week.

R: Your on.

Sadly for James, I am the champ at the game Monopoly. At first, I let James get the lead, but when he started bragging and listing of my list of things to do for him, I started playing for real. Before James can even say "Don't even worry about it", I have won the game.

I get up and start doing a victory dance around James while he just sits there dumbstruck. At first he pouts like a 5 year old because I beat him, but when he realizes the price of losing, his face turns to one of fear.

I smirked evilly and started doing an evil witch laugh. James just looked more terrified.I know you all see me as the nice goody-two shoes girl(not proud about the last part), but James knows I have a very EVIL side. And I'm not afraid to use it. Especially on him.

R: So, welcome my new slave.

J: W-well listen Riley, d-do you think we can talk this out?

R: There is nothing to talk about slave.

What happened next nearly made me burst out laughing. James threw himself onto his hands and knees in front of me. And starting begging over and over:


I smiled.

R: Very well, I'll have mercy. But you still have to be my slave.

James face lit up like a child's on Christmas. He tackled me in a hug and gave me a long,passionate, kiss.

My boyfriend/slave for a week, James.

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