Chapter 8

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Emma's POV

I had to make sure no one was around me and I walked into the other business. I walked right into Hyde's office and sat down.

"Have you found anything Emma Swan?" He asks.

"Yes I have and it is something bigger then what I could have ever imagined. Though we have one problem." I say.

"Really a problem? What is it?" He asks.

"Im going to have to steal the file in order to help you. When you have the papers everything will be in order. I would have took them last night, but others were in the building it was to risky." I say.

"Okay get them to me soon." He says.

I walked out and went to the other office and just as I got there Gold called another meeting.

"Miss. Blanchard you were here last night right?" Gold asks.

"Yes I was why?" She asks.

"Your card was used to the old file room. Though nothing was taken we have reason to believe you could be the rat. Pack your things, you are gone until further notice." Gold says.

After she left everyone was in a panic. Im gonna have to lay low for awhile. I cant steal the file after this.

"Mallory wasnt Mary-Margaret with you last night?" David asks.

"Yes she was. Though she left my side saying she was going to the bathroom and she didnt come back for awhile. Though I personally think it was the dinner we had I felt ill when I got home." I lie.

"Killian a word." Liam says to his brother.

I watched him walk away. I wonder what Liam wanted to talk to him about.

Killian's POV

"Whats up brother?" I ask.

"We have a problem. Killian these people getting thrown out isnt right those people arent bad. Belle, Zelena, now Mary-Margaret. Something isnt right. The cameras were shut off around the time of Mary-Margaret's key card access. Just one problem I saw her around the time her card was used. Mallory was nowhere to be seen. I told her yesterday about how I was happy the rat didnt know about Gold's deal. Then where it is usually at is then broken into. I think Mallory Brooks is a fake. I looked her up and nothing." Liam says.

"Your wrong its not Mallory. Liam its not her I trust her." I say.

"Well I dont. Im sorry Killian, but I think she is lying to you. Just try to think about this all things bad happened when she came here. Im sorry, but you have to believe me." He says.

"No. Mallory isnt some fake person that is using me. I cant believe you think that. Your wrong Liam." I say to him.

"Killian please she isnt telling the truth. I cant prove it now, but I will. I dont want to hurt you, but I have to save this company. Im sorry brother." He says and walked away.

I walked over to Mallory's desk where she was sitting. I saw her sending Email's to Belle, Zelena, and Mary-Margaret saying that we are all trying to find away to get them back. Why would Liam think its her? Its not she wouldnt lie to me. She just wouldnt.

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