Chapter 19

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Killian's POV

Emma and I went somewhere were we thought we would be safe. We were for a month, but then we wernt. Now I was waiting again in the hospital to see if my Swan was okay.

"Killian what happened?" Liam asks walking up.

"A fire. Emma was in the room asleep and I went to get some breakfast and when I came back the room was on fire and I saw Jekyell leaving the cite." I say.

"You went in there to get her?" He asks.

"Of course. She said nothing to me and I had her out for about 10mins before the fire department came." I tell him.

"So do have they told you anything?" He asks.

"Not yet. Her mother should be here soon. I've never met her and Emma told me she and her mother were never close." I say.

"It will be okay." He says.

All I can think about was when will I know anything about Emma and my child. Are they okay? Are they both gone? Did Emma lose the baby? Not knowing is making me crazy.

"Excuse me Im looking for Emma Swan, Im her mother." This lady says.

"Your Emma's mother?" I ask.

"Yes and you are?" She questions.

"Im Killian. Her boyfriend." I say.

"Yeah we will have to change that." She says and walked away.

"Well she is rude." Liam says.

"Very Rude." I say.

Emma's POV

I felt like I was dead was I dead? I then opened my eyes and saw a nurse lady checking my water bag.

"Oh your awake. I'll get the doctor." She says and walked out.

I saw a glimpse of what I looked like and it wasnt that bad.

"Hello Miss.Swan. Your going to be just fine. You have a few burns and you hit your head pretty hard. So we will keep you for awhile other then that your okay." The doctor says.

"My baby? What about my baby?" I ask.

"Your stomach was checked out and we were surprised to to learn that your unborn child is doing just fine." He says.

"Thanks. Can I see my boyfriend?" I ask.

"Yeah sure, but this lady wants to talk to you first." He says.

When he walked out my mom walked in.

"No! You go away." I say.

"Im here to see you. Your my child after all." She says.

"Get out. I dont want you here." I say.

"I'll be out there for a bit. See you soon." She says and walked out.

This was bad. My mother and I got into a huge fight before I left 10 years ago. She will try to take Killian from me. This was bad. This was very very bad.

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