Chapter 6

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Emma's POV

Find something on Gold and keep it all from Killian. We dont act like we are dating in the work place because we want no one to know. Its hard to find something on Gold, though since Killian and I havent made anything official I guess I could go on one date with Neal.

"Killian I want to talk to you." I say to him.

"Whats wrong Love?" He asks

"Look Neal wont stop bothering me and asking for one date. Would it be okay for me to do so?" I ask him.

"No. Not at all. I dont want him anywhere near you. I hate him. I dont want that to happened." He says.

"Okay. It was just an idea to get him to stop bothering me." I say.

"Another way is for me to punch him." He says.

"Hey calm down please. Remember about that ex I told you about the one who beat me. This is how is anger started with Jealousy. Please Killian dont." I say.

"Sorry love. Im so sorry. I didnt mean to scare you." He says and hugs me.

"Ladies and Gentleman please listen up. We have a rat in our building. Someone is trying to find stuff out and we think we know who it is." Gold says.

Oh god. Does he know? Oh crap. Crap. Crap.

"Zelena Mills we have word that you have been in the building of our competing company." Gold says.

"I was only going in because I was following Belle French. She went in one day I saw her when I was on a lunch break." Zelena says.

"I am not I only went in because it was raining and I had to use the bathroom." Belle says.

"Until we get to the bottom of this Belle you and Zelena are both here by suspended from this work place." Gold says.

Belle got her stuff and walked to the elevator crying. Zelena followed behind her and everyone was saying they both are innocent.

"Belle and Zelena theres no way." Regina says.

"Agreed. No way." Dorothy says.

"I mean sure Zelena can be alittle bit of a office bitch, but I dont think she would turn against her friends and her sister." Ruby says.

"And Belle she is the nicest person on the planet. There is no way its her." Mary-Margaret says.

"Look Belle and Zelena may have went near that place, but I dont think they did anything." David says.

"Yeah maybe Hyde sent some spy." Robin says.

"All we know is that Zelena and Belle are being punished unfairly. Maybe its that guy that comes in giving the mail. I never trusted that man. Or its Neal." Killian says.

"Killian, Neal is Gold's son." Regina says.

"Gold said it himself he will give the company to someone he can trust to run it when he retires and Neal could be mad at the fact my brother Liam is scary good at this job. So Neal could take it down because he is mad." Killian says.

"Look we just lost two workers today maybe we should work extra hard so Gold doesnt get mad at all of us." I say.

"Yeah Mallory is right." Mary-Margaret says.

Everyone went back to work and I well I felt beyond guilty because Im the rat and two innocent people are being blamed. Man I feel so bad. I was working when an Email popped up.

I know your secret. I know what your hiding.

I closed the Email and another appeared.

Meet me tomorrow at lunch in Conference room B. We need to talk.

Who was this person? Do they know who I am? Do they know about me and Killian? Do they know both? Okay Im alittle afraid now. Oh god Emma what have you gotten yourself into now.

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