Chapter 1

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I started worrying about everything even though I'm a demon. I'm a list demon though I don't want to be. I make deals for a living. Humans are so petty but I pretend to be one at times. Doing normal 'human' things. Going to an arts college being one of them.

I always loved the arts and just art in general. I may be a demon but I still find human culture to be amazing and beautiful. I go to college at the Univerity of Art and Design in Michigan. It's not the best place to live in but I love it more then hell.

"Hey Vic, where have you been?" One of my best friends, Jaime asks.

"Nowhere. Just walking around and planning for the biggest party of the masquerade." I'm in charge of planning the biggest party of the year, that I don't even want to go to.

"Why? You don't even want to go." Jaime moves his feet around.

"No I don't but hot guys. And free food. You can't ever give up free food." Oh and I'm openly gay.

"Yeah I guess you're right. Have fun." He smirks before walking away.

I keep walking around the campus of the college. I look down at my phone, texting a really close friend. I bump into someone. "I'm so sorry I wasn't looking at where I was going." The person I bumped into apoligizes.

I look up at him. He has black hair, gorgeous hazel eyes, he's wearing a T-shirt and red skinny jeans. "Don't apologise. I wasn't looking at where I was walking."

"I should go back to my dorm." He starts to walk away but I grab his arm.

"What's your name?" I ask him.

"K-Kellin Q-Quinn." He answers before walking away.

I walk to my dorm room. I don't share a dorm with anyone which is actually a good thing for me. That way I don't have to hide the fact that I'm a demon. I see someone walk in and it is the same boy that I bumped into. "What are you doing here?" I ask him shocked.

"I um, I'm new to the school and they told me that this is my dorm room." He explains.

"Oh, it's Kellin right?" I ask him.


"Nice name. You're very attractive too."  I state.

Kellin blushes and shakes his head. "I'm not attractive. I am not even good looking." I get up and shut the door behind him. "Yes you are. What is your major?" I ask him trying to make conversation.

"Art obviously but I major in music." He tells me.

"What do you do for music?"  I ask him.

"I sing.. and write songs. They're not any good. I myself am a singer and songwriter." I state.

"I bet you're a great singer and songwriter." I state. "You are? I thought that you are an artist." He asks in shock.

"Not a lot. I love music more but I don't have parents that approve."

"I know the feeling. I had a very bad and broken home." He states with a depressing look.

"So can I hear any of your songs?" I ask him.

"Uh..I don't have any music for it." He answers kindly.

I smile. "You don't need any music. Sing it a capella."

He sighs and gives in. "Fine." He decides to grab his song journal. He starts to sing his song. "Met a girl at seventeen. Thought she meant the world to me. So I gave her everything. She turned out to be a cheat. Said she'd been thinking for a long time and she found somebody new. I've been thinking that this whole time.

Well I never thought you'd stay. That's okay. I hope he takes your filthy heart and throws you away some day. Before you go, there's one thing you outta know."

I listen to how beautiful his voice is. He may not believe me when I tell him but I won't care. "You have a beautiful voice." I tell him.

He blushes a bright red. "Thank you."

I smirk. "Can I ask you a question?"

He nods. "Ask away."

"Are you gay?" I ask him, not meaning to sound rude.

"Yes I am." He responds nicely.

"So have you ever had a boyfriend?" I ask catiously. 

"Yes  I have and I'm still with him. "We've been together for two months. His name is Oli Sykes." He explains.

I sigh. I remember that name. He mostly uses his boyfriends for sex. I know because  I was one of them. I never had sex with him I broke things off before we could. I feel like I should warn Kellin before he gets hurt.

I know we just met but it feels right to protect him. I don't know why but I do. "Does your boyfriend go to school here?" I ask him.

"Yes he does go here but not for the same classes that I do." He says.

"Oli is um.. There's something you should know about Oli." I say out of nowhere.

"What do you know about Oli?" He asks me, nervously.

"Oliver and I used to date. We broke up because all he wanted was sex and I didn't want that. And you shouldn't go through that." I tell him the truth about what happened with Oli and I.

"Why would you tell me this information? And why would you care about me getting hurt?" He asks a bit accusingly.

"You should know the truth about him and I just don't want you to get hurt in any way." I state.

He sighs and sits on the bed.  I watch him and look at him. For some reason I  can't go to sleep that night. I kept dreaming stuff that should not be said. And I'm pretty sure Kellin knew it too.

"Vic, you're being loud in your sleep." Kellin states, waking up.

"I'm so sorry go back to sleep. I don't mean to be loud." I tell him.

I fall back asleep but I just can't go back to sleep. I decide to call my brother. "Can't sleep."

"Write songs or sing yourself to sleep or something." He states.

"Love you too, brother." I say snobby before hanging up on him. I try songwriting and it works. I eventually fall asleep. I sleep a little too well that night.


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