Chapter 2: Here We Go

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                                                                  (Kellin's  POV)

I wake up the next day thinking about what Vic told me about Oli. He has no right to say that about my boyfriend, even if it is true. I don't believe him until I see it for myself. I am meeting with Oli right now actually. "Oli Sykes get your ass out of your dorm room right now?" I yell outside his door.

The man with long black hair and skinny jeans answers the door. "Hello my dear."

"Hey, may I come in?" I ask kindly.

"Of course you can. You don't even need ton ask that." He states letting me in the door.

I walk inside and look around and I see someone in his roommate's, Gerard, bed.

"Do you know who that is?" I ask, curiously.

"His boyfriend, Frank. Were you ever going to think about you know..." Oli brings up the fact that I'm  a virgin.

I don't want to think about that at least not right now. To me, sex is a huge deal. I am waiting for the right person and Oli isn't that person. We started dating because we like each other a lot. Oli has said I love you to me all the time but I can't say it back, even though we have been dating for a year now.

"Oli, I've told you multiple times that I'm waiting. And you know sex is a huge deal to me." I state, aggravated at him. Maybe Vic is right.

"Fine then whatever. You know I love you and really care about you." He tells me yet again.

I try to figure out a way to tell him how I feel. "Listen, I care about you and really like you but I don't love you. I just don't."

"Kel, I know that. And I just want you to feel safe and happy." He says the truth.

He's right I'm not happy being with him anymore. I haven't been for a long time. Its time to get out of this relationship. "Its time to go our separate ways."

"You're right. We should." He kisses me for the last time then I leave his dorm. I walk back to my dorm and hear singing coming from the room. It's amazing singing and I listen to the words coming from the door. And I love to hear it.

I open the door and see Vic with a guitar in his hand, and singing. "You are a really good singer." I snap him out of his song.

He puts the guitar down and looks at me. "Uh thanks. I'm in a band but I don't think I'm that good of a singer."

"That's now what I think but I'm going to lay down and think and maybe a nap." I state.

"Oli?" He asks.

"I broke things off. I don't love him, not the way he loves me." I tell him.

"I told you those things to keep you safe. Not to break you two up." He sates.

"I believe you, that's not why we broke up. I had other reasons for the breakup." I state while laying on my back.

He sighs and puts his journal away. "So I just wanted to tell you that I have a masquerade ball tomorrow."

"I am aware of that, I will not be going though. That type of thing isn't for me." I state.

"It's not for me either but my best friend is making me go for some strange reason." He states.

"Either way I won't go. Nothing you say could make me go." I state remembering my first dance. It wasn't that great of an event.

"My band will be playing. And I want you to see us perform at our first concert. Plus you said that my singing is really good." He tries to tempt me and it works. "Fine. I'll go but on one condition. I get to go backstage."

He holds out his hand and I shake it. "Deal."

I lay back down and take a nap. While I sleep I hear someone, Vic, singing. His voice keep me calm and relaxed.

I said I would go because of his band's performance tomorrow. Dances let alone balls are nothing that I ever enjoyed, let alone cared about. I am only going for his band and for him. It is not going to be a fun night at all.

                                                               ~Night of the Masquerade~

"Vic, you told me to come tonight and I agreed. As long as I get to go backstage." I tell him, reminding him about the deal we made.

I got all dressed up, the tux, the mask, and everything. So did he but I'm here for the music not anything  else. I am standing backstage getting ready to watch them perform. I met his band mates and his brother, Mike, Tony, and Jaime. they are really cool but I'm not here to get to know them.

I don't care about the ball at all. "So, Kellin did you ever want to sing in a band?" Jaime asks.

"That is my dream." I tell him.

They walk away when they get announced on stage to perform and I can tell that he loves what he does.

I see it in his eyes and I know he loves it more than anything. I've known him for two days and I already feel connected to him. I don't know how I am but I am.

They go backstage after they are done. Vic comes to hug me but I don't touch him cause he's all sweaty.

"" I whine.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"You are all sweaty. It's gross." I state the fact that I don't like him being sweaty.

"They're playing a slow song next at my request and I would like to dance with you just once." He smirks.

"Just because I'm single now doesn't mean that you can flirt with me." I tell him cause I know that he's flirting.

"One dance. That's all I'm asking for. Just one dance." He starts begging.

I sigh. "Just one."

He pulls me close to his chest and we start slow dancing. I put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. The song that's playing is a love song. Remembering Sunday by All Time Low. I'm close friends with them and have been since high school.

The slow dancing feels weird cause its with a friend and not someone I love. I think the reason why Oli and I broke up is because I'm meant to be with someone else.

I'm starting to think that it is starting to happen me falling for someone who does care, Vic. I won't admit it though. I just want to be happy.

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