Chapter 4: Caraphernelia

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                                                                            (Kellin's POV)

Its been a few weeks since the masquerade and Vic has been really quiet and hasn't been in our dorm very much. I'm pretty sure it's about me. I am starting to develop feelings for him. It is taking time to get used to, mainly because I just came out of a relationship.

"Kellin?" I hear someone say my name. I look out the door and see Gerard standing there.

I open the door. "Hey, Gerard. Are you here to see Vic?"

"No, I'm here to talk to you." Gerard says. "Oli is hurt. Like so miserable that all he does is stay in the dorm room. What happened?"

I sigh. "I never loved him. Yes, I liked him but I didn't love him the way he loved me. I couldn't be in a relationship like that. I ama highly aware that I shattered his heart."

Gerard sighs and scratches the back of his neck. "I just wanted to know. And that you are doing well."

"I'm beyond well. I've moved on and so should he. I have tried to talk to but he won't. To get to move on." I state.

"I've tried too. He won't see anyone unless it's me. You said that you have moved on. Who is he?" He asks.

"Victor Fuentes." I answer.

"Wait what? Oliver's ex?" He asks, all shocked.

"Yeah. That's why I didn't tell you. We're not together though." I state, cause it must sound terrible to him.

"Okay. Be careful. By the way, I am going to propose to Frank." He tells me with a smirk  on his face.

"That's amazing. Good luck. You deserve to be happy and you two are soulmates." I say.

"Yes I do. I have to go." He leaves after giving me a hug.

The door opens as he is about to leave, Vic walks in. "Oh hey Gee. Hello, Kells."

"I was just leaving." Gerard says and walks out the door.

"Kellin..." Vic hugs me and breaks into tears.

"Vic, what happened? What's wrong?" I ask, comforting him.

"I cut..I didn't mean to but it just happened. I couldn't control it." He tells me.

"Let me see." I look at him really concerned.

He shows me his arms. There are several tiny but deep cuts all over his arms. He starts to cry harder. "I am so sorry. That I did this, I just..."

"Don't. You need to stop hurting yourself. There was a reason. What was it?" I ask, carefully.

"I feel lonely and sad. The person I want to be with doesn't like me back." He sighs.

"Vic, is it me?" I  ask.

"Yes but I didn't cut because of you." He says.

"I am aware of that. But Vic, you shouldn't feel like that, ever. And I'm serious." I state. Looking at him and it hurts to see him like this.

"I should just stop thinking."

"Let's talk. I can't stand to see you in so much pain. I want to tell you how I feel. I really like you. Oli and I are far gone and over. I am ready to move on, I have been for a while." I tell him the truth.

"You feel that way? I didn't know that you felt that way. I'm so glad you told me that. Kellin, I really do have strong feelings for you." He tells me with a smile starting to return to his face.

"I already knew that. I am very good at realizing things. Vic, you deserve to be with someone who loves you." I tell him.

"Thank you, Kells. So, what does this mean?" He asks me.

"It means what I just told you. You are also debating going on Warped Tour, go for it. I will one hundred percent support you." I tell him. He needs to follow his dreams and do what he loves. It's also what he believes in.

"I'm so ready but I'm not sure if they want to go." He states.

I know he needs to talk to his brother, Jaime, and Tony. I know he really wants to go, especially because it could change his life and theirs.

There is a knock on our door and Vic opens it. Tony, Jaime, and Mike walk in. I lay on my bed and pretend to be asleep.

I listen to their conversation. I look at Vic and push him to tell me how he feels about everything. "Please..Let's go on Warped Tour. It could change our lives. It's a huge opportunity for all of us. Our band could become huge and our music being heard by thousands of people." Vic tells all of them.

Tony smiles. "There is the Vic we remember. We've been talking and we have decided that Warped Tour is something we should do."

Mike hugs his older brother. "I'm proud of you. Email Kevin Lyman saying yes."

Jaime claps Vic's shoulder. "Can't wait but we do need new songs."

They all smile and hug Vic before leaving our dorm. I get up and tackle Vic in a hug. "You did it!"

He laughs. "Thanks to you." He smirks and pulls me closer to him. He presses his lips to mine. I kiss back. His lips are so soft and lovable. I get up after pulling away from him.

"So are you okay?" He asks.

"I am fine. Just wasn't expecting you to kiss me, especially like that." I tell him.

"Did you at least like the kiss?" He asks with a smirk.

"Yes I did. Way too much." I state in all honesty. It was such a great kiss and I want it to happen again.

"Good. I really enjoyed it myself." He smirks while getting up and laying on his bed.

"Why are you smirking?" I ask him with a feeling that he's up to something.

 "No reason. I'm just glad that you enjoyed the kiss. I want to kiss you again." He states.

"Then kiss me. Vic, I really do like you and you're special."

"Do you want me to come down there?" He tries flirting with me.

"If you want to." I smirk.

He gets off his bed and comes down to my bed."Better?" He gets on top of me.

"A lot better." I laugh.

"You are gorgeous, Kellin Quinn." He flirts.

"So are you, Vic Fuentes." I flirt back.

He laughs and kisses my cheek. "Well, you have made my life a whole lot better."

"How?" I blush.

"Just by you being here."

We spend the rest of the night talking, laughing, flirting,  and kissing.

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