Finally leaving; ch.1

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"What the hell ariana!" My mom shouts at me.
I had streaks of mascara running down my face, my hair was a mess and my clothes were all dirty from... what they did to me.

I ran into my room, immediately shutting and locking the door so she couldn't get to me.

I grabbed the makeup wipes off of my bedside table and started to swipe my face. After I took off all of the ruined makeup i paced around the room.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, I backed up into the wall. I was shaking tremendously, my mother started banging on the door. I put my hands over my ears and started to sob again.

"Please stop!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Let me in goddamit!" My mother yelled back.




I suddenly had enough and ran up to the door and jolted it open, causing the doorknob to crash into the wall making a Big Bang sound.

"You will never be my mother!" I sobbed.

I started to walk away back to my bed when I felt her cold hands grab my wrists.

"Ouch!" I yelped as she turned me around to face her. Once I was facing her whole body I could see the rage in her eyes.

"Leave my fucking house Ariana, if you don't wanna be apart of this family anymore!" She screamed.

"I never was mother! All you did ever since that night, you treat me like shit!" I ripped my hands from her grip and started packing my duffle.

All she did was laugh and slam the door shut.

This is your chance Ariana.... they hurt you, all they do is abuse you. You need to get out before it's too late...

That was when I let go, I felt myself fall to the ground in unbearable sobs.

I squeezed my eyes shut, letting more tears spill out.

Maybe this if for the best Ariana... I told myself.

No one here cares about you anyway....

Change is good...

Some, some change.

After re-collecting my breath and wiping my still very teary eyes I started packing again.

I figured Isabella could come and pick me up and bring me to airport.

I smiled at the thought is Isabella, we were best friends for about 7 years now, she was always here for me and god I loved her.

I went to my dresser and opened up my 'pants' drawer. I grabbed all of the Zella leggings and stuffed them violently into the blue bag.

After getting all of my things and toiletries I went to my closest and opened the big white doors.

I rummaged through the small opened area eager to find what I've been needing when a time like this comes.


I suddenly found a small black box under a pile of clothes. My shaking hands trembled as I grabbed it harshly. I started to pull at the ends of the lid, suddenly I felt the black top snap at my fingers. The lid of the tub fell onto the ground as I ripped the money out of the little safe.

Me and Bella (Isabella) saved up money for about 4 years. Yea... 4 whole years. we had managed to save up 7,000 dollars in cash and always saved our gift cards.

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