Elina; ch.14

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Grayson pulled up to a very very small parking spot behind some thick trees. After what seemed like days of driving, it actually wasn't that bad.

"Alright were here babygirl." Grayson said. I went wide eyed at his new nickname for me.

I looked over at him and blushed. "Where to now?" I asked.

"That is for me to know, and you to find out." He smirked.

I chuckled lightly, getting out of the jeep.


"Oh my god Grayson!" I shrieked as I saw the little Champagne glasses and the basket of food laid into the soft yet rough grass.

"This is all for you princess." He smiled.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a big hug. I buried my head into his neck and took a deep breathe.

God he smelled amazing.

"I like you so much." Grayson said, stroking my hair.

"I like you so much more." I whispered.


Me and Grayson had eaten and we were talking now.

He had packed strawberries, Nutella sandwiches and champagne. Even though I didn't love Nutella, it was so fucking sweet.

We were in the mountains, the sun was setting and nothing could be better than what it was right now in this moment.

"It's crazy how your happy and then you get fucked up and you can't even remember a time when you were really truly happy..." he looked at me with sad puppy eyes.

I grasped his face with my thumbs, rubbing his cheek. "I know exactly what you mean Gray." I trailed off. He grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his.

After a few moments of silence I started talking again.

"Do you come here often?" I asked Grayson, he shifted himself so his whole body was facing me.

"Yeah, I used to all the time when I was kinda lost but not as much as I used too."


His eyes met mine and I immediately pulled him in for a kiss.

My hands grasped his neck while his grasped my waist, pulling myself closer to him.

We lingered over ourselves for a few seconds before he pulled away. "You have no idea how bad I want you right now."

His voice was raspy, making him sound even more hot.

"I-I uh..." I stuttered.

The affect he had on me HOLY fuck.

He stared into my eyes.

"Ariana?" He asked.

"Yes grayson?" I whispered, our mouths weren't very far apart. I felt his hot breathe on my Cupid's bow.

"I want you to be min-" he was cut off at the sound of his phone ringing.

He rolled his eyes and grunted, pulling his phone out of his left jean pocket.

His eyes went wide at his phone screen that was reflecting on his face.

Grayson's POV

Elina... she was calling me.

My eyes went wide at my phone. I looked back up at Ariana. "I- i um have to take this Ari. I'm so sorry." I said getting up and backing away.

"It's okay, take your time." She reassured me.

I flashed her a smile before running into the trees, far far away from her.

I slid my thumb across my phone, answering the call.

I took a deep breathe, unsure of what was going to happen.

"Hello? Grayson?" Elina said, she sounded like she was crying.

"Hey elina..."

"Gray- gray I need you, come back pl-please." She stuttered.

Yep, she was definitely crying.

"Elina I don't like you like that anymore. We haven't spoken ever since then. After that I don't know if I can ever forgive you."

She sniffled but broke into more sobs.

"I know Grayson! I hate myself for it, just please give me one more chance. Let me come over to your place and we can talk... please?" She sobbed.

Talk? Hmm I think she's thinking of something else.

I took a deep breathe.

"Okay, but under one condition." I demanded.

"What?" She questioned over the phone.

"No fucking."


What do you think elina did?

Who even is this elina that Grayson's speaks of?

Does Grayson still like Ariana?

Goodnight! ‼️

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