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Leia watched Han walk over to his side of the bed " what " he asked stopping to look at her as he took of his shirt.

" nothing you just....look good " she said with a smile as he winked at her

" its a suspicious answer what do you need from me " he asked laying on the bed with his head in his hand.

She sigh and turned to look at him " you know tomorrow i have tons of work and i can't take Ben with me "

" yes i know " he said quickly as she continued

" well you need to take care of one more person tomorrow " she said with a smile as she watched him frown with a pout

" and who is that person "

" little Poe "

" the dameron's kid " he asked as she nodded " oh ok i like that kid but he's bigger then Ben wont he be like bored "

" nha he wanted to come over he likes to play with Ben they usually play during our meetings but Shara his mom doesn't have time to take care of him tomorrow she needs to go on an important meeting with me "

" isn't she a pilot " he asked raising his eyebrow

" yeah she is but i need her for something, so will you be ok with the two of them " she aksed

" yeah how old is he again "

" he's 5 "

" oh ok adleast i can make conversation with someone cause Ben isn't much into talking it's more mumbling " he said laughing

" hey my son can talk " she bit back and pointed her finger in his shoulder

" i know he can Im only kidding princess " he said urning himself a slap on the chest.


Leia was already gone when Han was left alone with a crying ben in his arms " mama " he yelled after her, looking up at his father who was cleaning his nose at the same time.

Han sigh trying to calm Ben down but it was always hard to get him to stop crying after she left unless he was given a cookie so that's what Han did and watched his son happily devour that cookie with drool all over his hand. " you like that don't you " Han asked and Ben nodded.

Not to long after the bell rang Ben looked at Han with a smile and pointed to the door " mama " he asked.

" no its not mommy but a friend is coming over to play with you today " Han said picking Ben up and walking to the door

" good morning Han hi Ben " Shara poe's mother said as she shook hands with Han

" hey shara hi poe " Han said looking down at the little boy hiding behind his mothers dress.

" well ill pick him up after work ill probably be with Leia " she said smiling at Han and looking at Ben looking down at Poe

" ok sweetheart I'm leaving you here for the day now be nice to Han and Ben ok but i know you're a sweet boy " she said hugging her son

" ok mommy i love you " Poe said kissing her hard on the cheek.

Han put Ben on the floor and Poe walked in the house as he held Ben's hand and both boys walked to the living room Ben quickly showing poe his toys.

" ok well i have to go Han thank you so so much if we have to keep Ben one day or night you are more then welcome " she said quickly shaking his hand again

" no problem " he said watching her leave and closed the door, he turned around and smiled seeing Poe already playing with Ben.


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