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Halloween was just around the corner and you could just feel it when you walked into the smallest room of the solo household, a little girl was already prepared to celebrate it, Breha had hanged some spiders around her bed that went out of her room and into the corridor.

She had even asked her father if she could hang a skeleton on her door, he agreed only if she wouldn't be scared of it and run to her parents room at night.

Even at 5 she already knew what she wanted, and had ordered everyone in the family to celebrate Halloween, even chewbacca had to dress up.

She was already excited at the thought of going trick or treating, Ben would be there to and that made her even more happy.

Right now she was in the kitchen carving a pumpkin with Han who was telling her exactly what to do, but as stubborn as she was she carved what pleased her.

" daddy " she asked lifting her head up.

" yeah baby "

" will ben and mom carve a plumkin to " she asked getting back to her work.

" pumpkin sweetie, and yes they will, well I'm not sure for mom cause she's busy with work right now but she'll make time" han assured his 5 year old daughter

Breha was really concentrated in what she was doing, han was laughing at the face she was making she looked exactly like leia. He suddenly heard her scream, when he looked at her, there was a bit of blood on the table.

" daddyyy " she cried showing how she had made a little cut on her finger. Han picked her up and walked over to the sink.

" it hurts " she said looking how Han was removing the blood.

" ok let's get disinfectant and wrap that in a bandaid " he smiled kissing his daughter's head and walked with her till the parental bathroom.

he sat her down on the counter and took out a bandaid plus the disinfectant " ok sweetheart this will hurt a little, but your a big girl so it's gonna be fine " han said and chuckled when he watch Breha already shut her eyes real tight.

" ouucchh prickly " Breha whispered and blew a little on her wound.

" ok what bandaid do you want " han asked showing her a few.

" iiiii waanntt.... chewie " she said pointing at the dark brown one with a wookie on it.

" and the little princess is all done " han smiled and put breha back down.

" is still hurt, is like a war booboo like mom has " breha said looking at her bandaid wrapped finger

" mom has a war wound " han asked knowing very well she did.

" yeah right here " breha said pointing at her own shoulder.


Breha was over excited as she heard her mother come back home, she quickly ran to her and hugged her legs as tight as her little arms let her.

" well hello there sweetheart " leia said picking her daughter up.

" look mommy " breha pouted showing her finger.

" han what happened to my daughters finger " leia asked seeing han approach.

" good evening to you to princess missed you today " han said quickly kissing her. " and we carved pumpkins and she cut her finger, don't worry it's a tiny cut " he quickly reassured leia.

" you started without me " leia asked looking back at breha.

" we were waiting until she begged me but don't worry we still have a lot to do " han smiled kissing leia again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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