•Chapter 4• (Edited)

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  • Dedicated to Evie (my bff)

*Chloe's POV*

The lads and I all went back to my flat.

"Chloe! You should invite Evie over to celebrate with us!" Ooo that's a good idea...

"OMG GOOD IDEA NIALL!" I ran upstairs to my room and called Evie.

Me: Hi Evie!!

Evie: Hey gurlllll heyyyyyyyyy

Me: Guess what?!

Evie: Niall asked you out?

Me: No I wish... I recorded a song with the lads so Simon Cowell signed me and now we're celebrating so you need to get your arse over here!

Evie: You met Simon Cowel?! And he signed you?! Holy shizballz!! Hell ya I'm coming!

She hung up and I went back downstairs.

"She is on her way!"

"Yay! I miss Evie!" Liam yelled. Erm awkward. I'll bring that up later.

"Umm... Ya me too..." Louis came into my living room with a few bottles of Vodka and a whole bunch of shot glasses.

"Um Louis... what the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"Chloe, you should know by now that when we celebrate, there is ALWAYS shots!" all of the boys answered in unison.

"Guys I'm not sure if that's a good idea..."

"Oh c'mon Chloe! Let loose! You just got signed a frickin' record deal!"

"I suppose. Maybe." I don't know about this. I always do stupid stuff when I'm drunk. My front door flew open and an excited Evie burst in.

"I'm here to PARTY!" Oh God. Help. She ran over to me and hugged me. "My baby got a rrrreeeeeecccccccooooooooorrrrrrdddd dddeeeeeeeeaaaaaaallllllllllll!" she slurred.

"Yvonne are you drunk?" Liam asked. She put her hands behind her back and rocked back and forth on her feet.

"MMMMMMMAAAAAAAAYYYYYYBBBBBBEEEEEEEEEE But its ok Liyummmmm. My favorite taxi driver drove me here after we snogged." She giggled a lot. Liam seemed upset. Yvonne went to walk to the kitchen but she fell. Liam quickly caught her and she smiled at him.

"Hi Li Li! Hehehe. You look really good tonight. True shizzzzz braaahhhhh!"

"Alright Evie. Lets set you down here."

"No! I want a shot! Louis has them so we need to drink up peeps!" Liam looked at me and I shrugged.

"I guess" I spoke to him. Louis came around giving everyone 3 shots.

"To Chloe!" Down goes shot #1.

"To a great night!" Down goes #2! Wow that burns.

"And just cause we're frickin' party animals!!" Down goes #3. Wow this is really strong. But it feels great!

"Louis give me a bottle!" Everyone looked at me like I was crazy but Louis handed me a bottle. He took a bottle for himself and put it in the air. "Cheers Louis!" We hit the bottles together and  took a swig.

"OMG YOUS PEOPLES SHOULD HAS A CHUGGING CONTESTTTTTT!" a very very very drunk Yvonne yelled.

"What do ya say Lou? Up for a challenge?" 

"Why not!!?" I can't believe I'm going to do this.

"On the count of 3! 1.... 2... 3!  I drank the bottle as quick as I could. Halfway through the room started spinning but I kept going. When I was finished, I threw the bottle on the ground and it shattered.

"YAAASSSSSS THATS HOW IZ DONE BITCHEZZZZ!" Louis swore and threw his bottle down.


"Louisiana put on some musaaaccc....." I grabbed Evie and stood up. "Lets dance Evie!" Best Song Ever came on blasting and we started singing and dancing.

"I LOVE VODKA!" I ran out my front door and down the street constantly screaming "I LOVE VODKA!" I tried finding my way back but every time I turned around the whole earth would spin.

"NIAAAALLLLLLLLL! I need you. Come here!" I felt someone pick me up and put me over their shoulder. "Thanks Nialler."

"No problem love."  I was thrown onto my couch and I started laughing uncontrollably.

"Liam I know you fancy Yvonne! I can see it with my ears! HAHAHAHA! Ask her out already! You knows yous wants toooooooo!"

"I-I-I don't know what you're talking about Chloe." he stuttered. He must be drunk too.

"Are you drunk too. Dance! Turn! Spin! Twirl! Jump!" After many more shots, I was finally warn out. Niall was holding me up.

"Niall I want another one." I whined to his beautiful face.

"No more for you."

"Pleaaasseeeee one more?"

"Ugh fine one more!"

"OMG YAY!" I drank the shot and looked into Niall's eyes. "Niall? You have really nice eyes. They're really blue. And I really like your hair in its coif and everything. Ya know what? I really like you. I have since the day I met you!"

*Niall's POV*

"I really like you. I have since the day I met you!" Wait what did she say? I know she is drunk but that didn't seem like a drunk Chloe statement. She was being serious. OMG WOW! I hugged her and she hugged back. She looked up at me and smiled.

"C'mon Niall. Lets go lay down in the living room, I'm tired." She pulled me into the living room and we sat down on the couch. She cuddled up into me and was just about to go to sleep.

"I mean it Niall." she smiled at me and then passed out cold. Everyone else was passed out on the floor. Louis and Harry we're holding each other, Zayn was hugging a mirror, and Liam and Yvonne were cuddled together. We're like a big family. I wrapped my arms around Chloe protectively and closed my eyes, slowly falling asleep.

*Chloe's POV*

I woke up and sat up a little but to quickly. My head started spinning and pounding.

"Ugghhhhhhh... What the hell did I do last night? Why is Evie lying on Liam?" I went to go into the kitchen for some water, but I couldn't even get up.

"Niall." I groaned. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Ya?" I groaned again and he got up to get me water and asprin.

"Thank you."  I drank the water and took the tiny pill.


"Ya?" I groggily answered.

" Last night.. when you said you really like me... did you actually mean it?" he asked. Oh I remember that.

"Listen, Niall. I know what I said and, yeah I did mean it. I probably shouldn't have because why would someone like you like someone like me, but I dont want that to ruin our friendship. If it's going to be awkward then I'm going to hate myself forever. I just ugh I'm so-"

Niall's lips crashed into mine and fireworks went off. It was amazing. Like indescribable. Niall pulled away almost too soon.

"I've like since the day I met you, too."

*A/N Hola people. So this chapter was really fun to write. Hahaha. Evie is like my all time bff and its really funny go picture her like that. Tell me what y'all think. I may not be able to update this weekend. I have rehearsal for Shrek the musical and I have to bring my brother back to college plus I have church  and so ya..Vote comment, etc. I'm gunna go now. Bye lovelies!

-Chloe *

2014 Update- reading this makes me laugh, and cringe. My writing sucks, and the whole fetus Chiall is just adorable. Haha. Be sure to check out the sequel, though. I like to think it's better then this book. Okay enough of me, bye now!

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