•Chapter 11• (Edited)

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*Evie's POV*

OMG! I can't believe we are going to Canobie! The last time Chloe and I went here was freshman year of high school! It's been so long!

 "So, what exactly is Canopy Park?" Harry asks, while we are driving there. Chloe and I look at each other and burst out laughing.

"What?" Harry says dumb-founded. 

"It's not Canopy, it's CANOBIE! Hahahaha!" I reply in between laughs.  Harry looks down at his lap in embarrassment. 

"Canobie is an amazing amusement park with roller coasters and bumper cars and spinny rides and a water park and the XTREME FRISBEE!!!" Chloe says with much excitement.  Liam has a look of horror on his face, Zayn is just nodding his head smiling, Louis is bouncing in his seat along with Harry and Niall is thinking.

"Is there delicious  food?" he asks, hopeful.

"Yes Niall. Yes there is." I reply, rolling my eyes as Chloe giggles. They're silly. Chloe giggles again, and kisses his lips. His arms go around her waist and it starts to become more than a sweet kiss.

"Guys! Get a room!" Louis yells, shielding his eyes. The car swerves and I screech.

"Louis! Keep your friggin' eyes open! You're driving!" Louis opens his eyes and apologizes,

"Sorry." The rest of the car ride is spent with Chloe and Niall kissing and cuddling, Liam and I holding hands and talking, Harry and Louis being Larry, and Zayn styling his hair in a mirror. Finally, we arrive to Canobie.

"Disguises!" Liam says, passing out hats, mustaches and glasses, even some for Chloe and I.

"Alright, what are we waiting for?" I say, jumping out of the car. We got our admission payed and split up. Niall and Chloe, Liam and I, and Zayn, Harry and Louis.

"Lili, let's go on the Roosters!" I say and drag him over to the medium sized lime.

*Chloe's POV*

I can't believe the boys have never been to Canobie! It is AMAZING! Niall and I split off from the rest of the group and decide to go to the water park. We set our things down on a few chairs, and I remove my shorts and shirt, to be in my bathing suit. I turned towards Niall to come face to face with his bare toned chest.

"Like what you see?" he asks, his voice a bit raspy.

"I uh-I umm." I stutter trying to find my words.

"It's alright love, I like what I see too." he replies, making me blush. I bite my lip and look at him.

"Gahhh don't do that!" he says.

"Do what?" I ask. "You know! The whole biting your lip thing."

"Why?" He roughly pushes his lips to mine, his hands flying around my waist. He pulls back, our noses touching. Well this is nice, maybe I'll bite my lip more often.

"That's why. Now c'mon! Let's go!" Niall grabbed my hand and dragged me right into the pool with no warning.

"NIALL IT'S COLD!" I screech and jump on his back. His body was so warm I couldn't even remember why I was so cold.

"Aw love. It's okay." he replied kissing my hand that was draped around his neck. Suddenly, he fell and went underwater, taking me with him. I was about to swim back up when I felt his lips hit mine. I opened my eyes to see his bright blue ones staring back at me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back up to the top.

"Well that was unexpected. What is with you today?" I say while blushing. We splash around a little longer, then decided to get some food. We ordered 2 large pizzas, 3 orders of onion rings, and an ice cream for each of us. The lady at the window looked at us like we were psychotic.

"He is a very hungry popstar." I say to her and she looks down.

"Are you that boy from One Dimension? My grand-daughter always talks about a blonde boy named Nilla or something or other, always eating food and still looking gorgeous." another woman behind her says. Niall and I burst out laughing and Niall replies, "

Yes, I'm Niall from One Direction, and this is my stunningly beautiful girlfriend Chloe." I blush and look down soiling.

"Ohhh honey! He is a keeper!" the woman who took our order says. "Now you two lovelies have fun. And remember, ALWAYS use protection!" Niall grabs my hand and the food, and says a quick goodbye before we bolt out of there.

"Oh my god that was the most embarrassing thing ever." I say once we sit down.

"But she said I was a keeper, so I like her." Niall jokes. We laugh and eat our food, talking about random things. When we are finished, we decide to go on some roller coasters. As I was running, I looked back towards Niall, and accidentally bumped into someone, knocking them over.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't see you there. Oh my gosh you're-" my mouth is covered with his hand and Niall comes up behind me.

"Shh... Babe be quiet. Chloe meet Luke Hemmings, Luke meet my girlfriend Chloe." Niall says chuckling. Luke uncovers my mouth and hugs me instead.

"Aye! I'm Luke! It's so nice to finally meet you!" he says, pulling away.

"You're Luke Hemmings! Oh my gosh! You. Are. Luke. Hemmings." I say having a fan girl moment.

"She is a bit obsessed with you lads." Niall whispers to Luke.

"Ya that's me! If you want, you can meet the rest of us. They're just over there." he says I nod and we begin to walk towards 5 Seconds of Summer.

"Boys, this is Chloe, Niall's girlfriend." Luke says.

"Hey! We're 5 Seconds of Summer!" they say in unison, and all I feel is the cold ground against my face.

*A\N Hey! So here is Chapter 11! We had some Chiall moments! And 5SOS! Ahhhh! Well lemme know what y'all think! Bye lovelies!

-Chloe O.O*

2014 Update- So, I went and saw One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer in concert, and I almost fainted there, too. I didn't meet any of them, but I was so excited that I started hyperventalating. Okay yeah, bye

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