•Chapter 17• (Edited)

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*Chloe's POV*

"So he really is my brother?" I ask Niall. I had appologized for being so rude to him, and now we are talking about the situation. We are on the plane to Washington DC. It's 3:30 AM on the third day of Week 2! God, I am so happy. This tour is a dream come true.

"Yes, he really is. You are happy, correct?" Niall replies to my question.

"It's shocking, but, yes, I am definately happy. Harry and I had such a good relationship already, and this will just bring us closer. I just wonder why he never told me." I say the one question that has been on my mind for the past 24 hours.

"Well whatever reason he had for not telling you, I'm sure it was for the best." Niall says, smiling down at me. Our plane has already taken off, and we should be in DC within an hour. I smile back, and lay my head on his shoulder. His grip around my shoulders tightens, as he pulls me closer to him.

"Hey, Chloe. You know what today is?" Niall asks suddenly. Of course I know what today is. It's Niall and I's 6 month anniversary!

"Mmmmmhhhhmmmmm." I reply, nodding my head as well.

"I have something special planned for tonight, after your show." he says. I can practically hear the smile on his face as he talks.

"I love you Niall." I say as I slowly drift off for an hour nap.


I feel my body being lifted into strong arms. I open my eyes, everything appearing fuzzy.

"Go back to sleep, love. We're just arriving." Niall says. I close my eyes again, and go back to my dreaming.


I open my eyes to see Niall's black t shirt. I shift around a bit until I can see where I am. I am lying on a plush bed, in the hotel room. One of Niall's arms is wrapped around me. The other is firmly holding his phone, while he scrolls through Twitter.

"Hi," I say groggily.

"Hi beautiful." Niall says, looking away from his phone and smiling.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"It's 3:36 PM." he answers. I jolt up.

"Oh my god... Niall, I'm so sorry. Why didnt you wake me up or move me or something? It's been hours!" I exclaim.

"Babe, it's fine. I was asleep for a while. Besides, you're really comfortable, and I love hearing you talk about me in your sleep." he replies cheekily. I blush and look down.

"Well, I have to go get ready, because I have to be at the arena by 5!"

I stand up, and walk to my suitcase. I take out sweatpants, a baggy sweatshirt, and clean undergarnmnets, before heading to the bathroom. I warm up the water, and rid myself of my clothing. I hop into the shower following my usual routine. I lather my Herbal Essences Cocconut shampoo into my hair, befroe I begin shaving my left leg. I rinse out the shampoo and thoroughly lather in my Herbal Essences Cocconut conditioner. I shave my right leg, my arms, my armpits, and wash my body before I rinse out the conditioner. I wash my face, wring out my hair, and exit the shower. I dry my body off with a towel and put my clothes on. Then, I begin to blow dry my hair. After about 30 minutes, it's mostly dry. My hair is insanely thick, so it requires time that I don't have. I pull it into a high ponytail and grab my make-up bag. I swipe on very little mascara and eyeliner. Also, I put on some foundation and a light pink blush. I take a look at myself in the mirror before exiting.

Niall is waitng for me by the door of our suite.

*At the arena*

"Chloe! You have to change your setlist! Be sure to include your single!" Andrea says to me. As she runs by, she hands me a clip board with a piece of paper and a pen. I decide my 6 new songs.

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