Chapter 3

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*Peter's POV*

Eric raced into my room. "You told someone I beat you!" he shouted. I struggled to sit up. Last night when I came home from Dakota's house, Eric got mad that I went to her house. He beat me till he broke my ribs and bruised me up more. I told Mrs. Anderson that I fell down the stairs and broke my leg but I didn't break my leg. "Eric, I didn't tell anyone." "Then why did your principal call me about you getting beaten?" Dakota must've told someone. That's cute but now I'm dead. "I don't know. Someone must've seen my bruises." "I know you told someone now tell me who you told." "I didn't tell anyone," I shouted. My ribs started to kill. There was a knock at the door. "Who is that?" Eric snapped. "I don't know." He grabbed a glass cup that I left on my bureau and threw it at me. It hurt so bad. I cried while he walked out of the room. A few minutes later, Dakota walked into my room. "Peter," she said, running towards me. She hugged me and I hugged her back. "How did Eric let you in?" "I pushed him out of the way." "Why did you come?" "To see if you are okay. You have glass in your arm." "I know." "Excuse me, miss, but I would like to speak with Peter alone," Eric said, sweetly. "No. Whatever you have to say to him, you can say to me," Dakota said. "I need to speak with him privately please." "No." Eric glared at me. He walked out of the room. "Great, now I'm gonna get beaten up." "How about I stay here with you?" "Eric won't allow that," I said, frowning. "Well when he comes in, I'll hide." "You would really do that for me?" I asked. "Whatever it takes to keep you safe, I will do." I smiled. Dakota took some glass out of my arm. "Aren't you suppose to be in school?" I asked. "You are more important." "So, Peter needs to rest. Can you leave?" Eric asked. Dakota looked at me. She hugged me. "Go around to my fire escape," I whispered in Dakota's ear. Dakota left. Eric looked at me. "I'll be back, Peter. I'm gonna go get food." "Okay." Eric left. I slowly got up and walked over to my window. Dakota was sitting on my fire escape. I opened up my window. Dakota walked inside and I shut my window. She helped me into my bed. She laid down next to me. "What do you wanna do?" I asked. "Well it's 11:00 so I'm not sure." "Do you just want to watch tv?" "Sure. I'll go get the remote." Dakota got up and walked over to my couch and grabbed the remote. Dakota walked over to the bed but she tripped and fell. "Darling, are you okay?" "Yes. I'm just bleeding." I slowly got up and walked over to her. I picked her up. "Peter, you're gonna hurt yourself." "I don't care." I placed her down on my bed. Her knee was bloody. "What did you fall on? "There was sharp pieces of glass on the ground." I took off my shirt and wrapped my shirt around her knee. She stared at me. "What?" I asked, smiling. "Your body is perfect." "How? I have burns, cuts, and bruises on me." Dakota gently rubbed my stomach. "It's amazing either way." I started blushing. She leaned down to kiss me when we heard footsteps up the stairs. "Hide under the bed." She climbed down and went under my bed. Eric walked inside. "If you want lunch, make it yourself." "I'm not hungry." "Your loss." Eric looked at the ground. He walked over to where Dakota fell. "Why is there blood on the ground?" "Oh I tripped and fell trying to get my remote." "Well be more careful so if the cops come, they won't suspect anything. Clean this up." "But my..." "No excuses, Peter." Eric walked out. Dakota got out from under the bed. "Peter, I'll clean it up for you." I heard Eric's foot steps again. "Hide darling." Dakota hid under the bed. "Peter, you're going to school tomorrow," Eric said. "But..." "I can't have people think that I beat you." "But you do." "Who's car is in the driveway?" "Oh Dakota's car isn't working so she got a ride. She wanted me to fix it for her when I get better." Eric looked at the ground. "Peter, how many times do I have to ask you to pick up the glass?" Eric asked, raising his voice. "I'm sorry." "No. Do it now," he said. He stood there, waiting for me to get up. "If you don't get up, I will make you," he said, holding up his fist. I got up slowly. "Can you get me the dust pan please?" "No," Eric said. I slowly walked out of my room, down the hall to this closet. I opened it up and grabbed the dust pan. I walked back into my room. Eric watched me as I picked up the glass. I walked into the bathroom and threw the glass away. I felt arms wrap around me, gently. I turned around and Dakota looked up at me. "Where's Eric?" "He left as soon as you threw that away." I looked at the ground. "Is this how is it everyday?" Dakota asked. "Sometimes. Some days can be worse than other and some days aren't too bad." "Am I gonna see it happen?" "Possibly. I'm kinda iffy about you staying here for a little." "Why?" "Because I don't want you to see me get hurt." "You will make Eric hate me." We walked into my room and sat down on the bed. I laid down and Dakota laid down next to me. "So are we a thing?" Dakota asked, shyly. "Do you want to be?" I asked, smiling. "If you want to." "So I guess you are my girlfriend," I said, smiling. Dakota smiled. I leaned in and kissed her lips. "Peter, I made you some...what's going on here? I thought she left," Eric said. I looked at Dakota and kissed her forehead. "Run," I said. She looked at me confused. "You need to get out of here. Run." I sat up and Dakota did, too. I stood up. Eric looked mad.

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