Chapter 17

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*Dakota's POV*

We got into my apartment. "I'll go make some popcorn. You can sit on the couch," I said, walking towards the kitchen. I made some popcorn and put it in a big bowl. I walked over to the couch and placed the bowl on the coffee table. I sat down next to Peter. "What movie you want to watch?" Peter asked. "Do you want to watch MockingJay part two?" I asked. "Sure." I put it on. I woke up to Peter carrying me. "What's going on?" I asked. "You fell asleep during the movie. I'm carrying you to your room," he said, smiling. "Thank you. We walked into my room and he laid me down on my bed. "Peter, can you stay the night please?" I asked. "Of course, darling." He laid down next to me. I wrapped my arms around Peter. "I love you so much," I said. "I love you, too. Thanks for giving me another chance," Peter said, putting his head against mine. "You're welcome, Peter." "If you want, we can skip school tomorrow." "I can't, darling. I have to do that volcano project," I said, frowning. "You have science first, right?" Peter asked. "Yes." "Why don't you ditch school after science?" "I don't know, Peter. What if we get caught?" "We will probably either get detention or suspended." "Wouldn't Eric kill you if that happened?" "I don't care. I just wanna take you somewhere special tomorrow," Peter said, sighing. "Oh okay. But we better not get caught," I said. "I love you sweetie," Peter said. "I love you too." We fell asleep. I woke up the next day. Peter wasn't beside me. I got up and walked out of my room. I heard the shower running. I smiled and walked into the bathroom. I sat down on the counter. "Mr. Hernandez, other people need to take a shower," I said. I heard him chuckle. He turned off the shower. He grabbed a towel. The shower curtain opened. He walked up to me and put his arms on my legs. "I didn't know you had clothes here," I said. "I stopped at home first. I wanted to take a shower here. I was kinda hoping you would take on with me," Peter said, smirking. "Peter," I said, playfully hit him. He smiled and kissed my lips. "Have fun in the shower," Peter said, winking. He walked out of the bathroom. I took a shower. I put on some clothes and walked out. Peter was sitting on the couch. He looked over at me. I walked over to him. He stood up. "Alright, let's go," I said. We left. He got into his car. "So I had a dream last night," Peter said. "What was it about?" "I had this dream before. It was about Jasmine which was weird." "Really? And what happened in this dream?" "She came back to life. She killed you and locked me up in her closet." "That's interesting," I said. "I kinda enjoyed it," Peter said, smiling a little. "Do you want me to hurt you?" "Oh come on. I bet you had dreams about Kam," he said. "Whatever," I said. I looked at the window. "She could do a lot with that mouth of hers." "You love pissing me off, don't you?" I asked. "Sweetheart, I'm just playing." "Yup." "I love you," Peter said. "Whatever." "Are you seriously pissed off?" "Drop it, Peter." "How am I suppose to if you're mad at me?" I didn't say anything. We got to school. I got out of the car. He walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around me. "I love you, darling," Peter said. "I love you too," I said, softly. He kissed my forehead and let go of me. He grabbed my hand as we walked inside. As we were walking, Peter knocked someone's books down. "Peter!" I practically yelled. I walked over to the girl and helped her with her books. "I'm so sorry about my boyfriend," I said. "I'm used to it." "Here," I said, giving her books to her as we stood up. "Thanks." "You're welcome." The girl walked away. "What is your problem?" I asked. "Nothing." "Peter, you need to stop. You're acting like an ass." "I'm sorry," Peter said. "Peter, why did you knock down her books?" "I kinda miss bullying people," he said. "You're ridiculous," I said. I kept walking. I walked into Chemistry and sat down. "Hey, are we still ditching?" Peter whispered. "No. Get out," I said. "Fine. If you're gonna act like that, find a ride home." Peter stormed off. "Hey Dakota," Travis said, sitting down next to me. "Hey Travis," I said, sighing. "What's wrong?" "Boyfriend troubles." "Ah. What happened?" "He's been a jackass lately." "Break up with him." "I can't. I love him too much to let him go." "If he's a jackass, why would you stay with him?" "It's complicated." Travis stopped asking me questions. I didn't talk to Peter the whole day. It's lunch time. I was sitting with a couple of my friends. Peter sat with his friends at a different able. "I'll be right back." I got up and started walking. All of a sudden, I tripped and fell. I looked up and saw this guy standing above me. "Sorry," he said, laughing. "Yo, what the fuck man?" Peter asked, pushing the guy. "Sorry, I didn't mean to trip her," he said, smiling. "You know what?" Peter asked. He pushed the guy again. "If you trip her again, you will get hurt." "Is that a threat, Hernandez?" the guy snapped. "Yup." "You listen, Hernandez, I..." Peter took him down. "Don't mess with me or Dakota," he said. He got up and walked over to me. Peter held out his hand. I pushed it away and stood up. "You know I could've taken care of him myself," I said as I kept walking. "Wow you're welcome," Peter said, following me. "Why did you do that?" I asked. "Cause you are my girlfriend. I'm not gonna let some jackass hurt you." "Thanks," I said. "Don't say thanks. I know you don't appreciate it," Peter said. "Peter, look I..." I saw Peter walking the other direction. I walked over to the trash and threw my stuff away. I ran over to Peter's table. I sat down next to him. "What do you want?" Peter asked. I grabbed Peter's face and kissed his lips. "Damn," Kam said. I heard a few laughter but I didn't care. I pulled away, still holding his face. "I love you, okay? Don't you ever forget that." I got up and walked away. The day finally came to an end. The bell rang for school to end. I walked over to my locker and put my books away. "You coming home with me?" I heard Peter asked. I shut my locker. "Sure. If you want me to." "I do." "Alright, lets go," I said. We walked out of the building. We got to Peter's car. "Come here," Peter said, smiling. I walked over to him and he hugged me. He kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry for earlier," Peter said. "It's alright. Just don't do it again, please." "I won't." We got into the car and left. As we were in the car, driving along, some car hit us. "Son of a bitch," Peter shouted. He hit his steering wheel. "This is a nice car too. What the hell is wrong with people? This is great...just great." I leaned over and hugged Peter. I kissed his lips. "It's okay," I whispered. Peter smiled at me. "Thanks for calming me down a little." "You're welcome." "Are you okay?" he asked. "I'm fine. Are you?" "Yes." We got out of the car.

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