Chapter 13

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*Dakota's POV*

I pulled into Peter's driveway. I got out of my car. I must be the first one here. I walked over to the door. I was about to knock when I heard screaming. "No please," I heard Peter shout. I opened the door and ran upstairs, following the screams. In Peter's room, Eric was standing over Peter. "No," I shouted, running into the room. Eric raised his hand. I kneeled down in front of Peter as Eric punched me in the face. "Dakota," Peter said, rubbing my back. I held my cheek as I looked up at Eric. "Dakota, I'm so sorry," Eric said. "Shut up, Eric," Peter said. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" Peter asked. I just looked at Eric, debating whether or not to charge at him. I knocked Peter's hand off my back and I stood up. I took off my sweatshirt, not even taking my eyes off of Eric. I placed the sweatshirt off to the side. I took a step forward. "You are gonna regret hitting me," I hissed. Eric looked at me. "Nobody hits me or Peter. Mostly Peter cause doesn't deserve getting hit. You are so lucky that..." Eric grabbed my face with his hands and stared into my eyes. "Get your hands off my girlfriend," Peter said. "I'm sorry," Eric whispered to me. He let go of my face. Eric walked out of Peter's room. "I'm sorry about him," Peter said, wrapping his arm around me. "It''s okay," I said. "Can you look at me? I wanna see how your cheek is." I looked at Peter. "It's a little bruised," he said, gently touching my cheek. He leaned in and gently kissed my cheek. I looked at him and smiled. "I love you," I said. "I love you, too, pumpkin." "When's Kam and Phil coming over?" I asked. "In a half hour," Peter said. "Well can we watch tv while we wait?" "Of course." We walked over to his couch and sat down. He turned on the tv. "I'm glad you came early," Peter said. "Me too. I would hate to see you hurt." "I would rather have me hurt than you," Peter said. "No don't say that." "It's true. I don't care if I get hurt. I care when you do." "I really want you to live with me," I said. "Eric would throw a hissy fit." I frowned. "I'm gonna use the bathroom," Peter said, standing up. He walked over to the bathroom and shut the door. I heard his phone going off. I looked over and saw Kam calling. I grabbed Peter's phone and answered it. "Hey, Kam," I said. "Hey Dakota. Is Peter there?" "He's in the bathroom, why?" "I got into an accident. I needed him to pick me up." "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah," he said, sighing. "I'll come pick you up." "Thanks. I'll text you my location." "Okay bye." "Bye." I hung up the phone and stood up. I walked over to the bathroom door. "Peter, I'll be right back." "Okay baby." I grabbed my keys and Peter's phone and left. I got to the location of the accident. I pulled over and got out of the car. Kam was standing by his car, looking at the damage. I walked over to him. "Hey Kam," I said, hugging him. "Hey Dakota." I looked at the front of his car. It was smashed and the windshield was cracked. "Wow," I said. "I know." "And you didn't get hurt?" I asked. "Luckily, no." I looked at the truck that he hit. "There's only a dent to the truck and you got that?" I asked. "Yup." "What happened anyways?" "This idiot backed up cause he missed his turn and back up right into me as I was driving." "Did you call the police?" "Yup. It's gonna take a while." "Wanna wait in my car?" I asked. "Sure." We walked over to my car and we got inside. I turned on my car and turned the radio on. "Thanks for picking me up," Kam said. "No problem. I'm sorry that this happened." "At least I didn't get hurt." My phone rang. "Hello?" "Where are you?" Peter asked. "Kam got into an accident so I went to go get him." "Wow thanks for telling me," Peter said, sighing. "Nice to know you don't care if Kam is okay or not." "Why did you take my phone?" he asked. He seemed a little mad. "So I can know where Kam was." "Just get back here." "I will take as much time as I want. Kam needs to wait for the police so you need to grow some balls and wait," I said, hanging up my phone. "Wow," Kam said. "Really though. He didn't even even ask if you were okay." "Eh, I'm used to it." The police got to the scene. We got out of my car and walked over to the police. "Hello Officer," Kam said. "What happened?" Kam told what happened. "I'm going to talk to the other guy about it. Are you okay?" the officer asked. "Yes I'm fine." "Just hang on tight," the officer said, walking away. "This is just lovely," Kam said, sighing. "It's okay, Kam. Don't stress," I said. "I got no car!" "Look, I'll drive you places if you want me to." "Really?" "Yes." "But I don't want you to. It's fine." "No, it's okay, Kam." "Thanks Dakota." The officer came back. "Okay so your stories aren't matching up." "Okay I don't care. Just charge me," I said. "Alright." A tow truck came and took Kam's car away. We got into my car. I looked at my phone. Peter called 5 times. I put my phone down and got to Peter's house. We walked inside. "Are you kidding me? You hung up on me and you don't answer my calls?" Peter asked, walking towards me. "I'm sorry Peter. I..." He grabbed the collar of my shirt and lifted me up in the air. He pinned me against the wall while I was still in the air. "Don't you ever do that again. Got it?" he asked, putting his arm against my throat. "Dude stop! She can't breathe," Kam said. Peter let go of me and I fell to the ground, gasping for air. Kam kneeled down beside me, rubbing my back. I looked up at Peter. He looked at me like he realized what he did. "Hey guys," Phil said, walking into the house. "What's going on?" Phil asked. Peter had tears running down his face. "I'm sorry," he said, softly. Peter ran upstairs. "Are you okay?" Kam asked. "Yes, I'm fine," I said. Kam helped me up. "I'll be back," I said. I walked up the stairs. I walked over to Peter's room. He was sitting on his bed. I walked over to him and sat down beside him. "Stay away from me. I'm a monster," he said, moving away from me. "No you aren't, Peter." "I choked you. I'm turning into Eric," Peter said, looking at the ground. "It's okay, Peter." "No it's not. What if I get worse? What if I start beating you?" "Peter, I love you," I said, hugging him. Peter stood up. "How can you love me when I choked you?" "Peter, I know you don't mean it. You are a gentlemen." "No I'm not." "Peter stop it. I know you. I know you would never try to hurt me on purpose. I know you enough to know that you are a great guy." "Thanks sweetheart." I stood up and hugged Peter. "Aww so cute" Eric said, standing at the door. "Hey Eric," I said. "Hello Dakota. May I steal your boyfriend for a minute?" Eric asked. I grabbed Peter's hand. "Depends." "It's fine baby. I'll be right back." Peter let go of my hand and went with Eric. A few seconds later, I followed. I saw them walk into Eric's room. I slowly walked to his room. I stood against the wall. "I'm craving you," I heard Eric say. "Not now. Everybody is here." "You promise?" "Yeah." I walked into the room to see Eric and Peter kissing. "What is going on?" I asked. Peter looked at me. "Shit," Peter said.

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