Chapter 7

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*Peter's POV*

Dakota cracked her knuckles. "Do you really think you can beat me up?" "Yeah let's go right now!" "Girls, there's enough Peter to go around," I said. They looked over at me like they were gonna kill me. "You did not just say that, did you?" Jasmine asked. Dakota and Jasmine crossed their arms. "Was I not suppose to say that?" "Duh! It doesn't make the situation better," Dakota said. "Okay well you need to choose who you wanna date," Jasmine said. "I can't choose. I love you both." Dakota and Jasmine looked at each other and nodded. "Okay if you can't choose one of us, then you cant have any of us," Dakota said. "That's not fair," I said, standing up. "No, what's not fair is that you are trying to date both of us," Jasmine said. "I'm sorry. I can't help it." Dakota and Jasmine rolled their eyes. Dakota grabbed her shoes and put them on. "Look, Dakota, I'm sorry for taking Peter away from you. I didn't know he would still date you, too." "How come you would do this to me?" "Because I was jealous that you were dating Peter. My jealousy took it too far. Can we be friends again?" "Yes." They hugged. "Wanna go get some food with my friends?" Jasmine asked. "Sure." "What about me?" They laughed and walked away. I was alone. I should've stayed with Dakota. I got up and walked out of the place. I drove home. I sat on my bed, feeling so lonely. I miss Dakota and Jasmine, but mostly Dakota. I sneaked out of my room when I realized I don't have a phone. I went to the store to get a new phone. It took an hour. I went back home. I snuck into Eric's room and grabbed a case of beer from his mini fridge. I walked back into my room. I drank the whole case of beer. I wanted to drain my stupidity and my loneliness away even though it was a stupid idea. Eric came into my room. "Peter, where is my case of beer?" I stumbled over to Eric. "T...he monster und...under my bed drunk the case of precious gold," I said, laughing. "Dang it Peter! You're drunk. Did you drink my whole case?" "You''re funny looking. You should be my doggy. Geronimo!" I shouted, laughing. "Peter, you are messed up." I started dancing while laughing. "This is awful. You weren't suppose to drink my beer. You're underage. You are so stupid." "Nu-uh! I'm the goodest goody goody tissue in this galaxy," I said, spinning around. "Great now I have to deal with you." " love me," I said, smiling. "Go to bed, Peter." I fell to the ground from spinning around. "I'm leaving, Peter." Eric left. I crawled into the hallway about a minute later. I stood up and stumbled over to the stairs. I tried walking down the stairs but I fell down them instead. I couldn't stop laughing. I looked up ad saw Eric sitting on the couch. "Bae! Reead me a bedtime storrry," I said, crawling over to Eric. "Peter, get some rest." "I...want a bed time stooorrrryyy." "I will knock you out if you don't stop." I stood up and stumbled onto the couch, laying on Eric's lap. "I wuv you," I said, laughing. "Alright, that's it." Eric got up. He picked me up and brought me upstairs. He brought me upstairs. He brought me into my room and threw me on the bed. "Goodnight," Eric said, walking away. "Kiss me hard before you go. Summer time sadness." I sang, laughing. Eric left. I tried to fall asleep. "Peter?" I woke up. I felt so gross. I looked up and saw Dakota sitting next to me. I looked around and realized that I wasn't at my house. I was in a hospital. "What happened?" I asked. My head was pounding. "You weren't waking up. You consumed a lot of alcohol. You passed out, too." "What time is it?" "2:00 pm. Saturday afternoon." "I've been passed out for two days?" "Yes." I groaned. "Why did you drink?" "I was lonely. Do you mind getting me a bucket?" Dakota walked over to the counter and grabbed a bucket. She handed it to me. I threw up in the bucket. "How did you found out I was in the hospital?" "I went to your place Friday to give you the work from school when I saw in your room a huge case of beer on the ground, empty, and I saw you were gone so I asked your brother what was going on. He said you were in the hospital. Peter, you are so stupid." "I know I am." Dakota sighed. "I'm glad you are okay," she said, smiling. I felt myself getting sick. I grabbed the bucket. I threw up in the bucket. "Aww, Peter," she said, grabbing my hand. "This sucks," I said, with my head pounding. "Mr. Hernandez, you are free to go. We have medicine for your headache. Miss, are you his girlfriend?" "Uh, yeah." "Make sure you have him take this. And make sure he drinks a lot of water." "Okay." The nurse walked out. "So, I'm your boyfriend, huh?" "Oh stop," Dakota said, smiling. "No, seriously. Am I your boyfriend?" "I don't know, Peter. I can't really trust you." We walked out of the room. "I promise I won't cheat on you." "Peter, I love you so much but I just can't date you, knowing you left me. I'm sorry." "Thanks," I said. I turned around and went a different way. "Excuse me sir," this nurse said. "Yes?" "Where did you get all those marks?" "Oh uh I fell." "Those look like you get beat." "Mind your business." "What's your name?" "Greg Anderson," I said. She looked at me suspiciously and walked away. "Peter?" "What?" I asked, turning around. "You need a ride?" Dakota asked. "Yes." She turned around and walked away. I followed her. We walked to Dakota's car. She drove me to my house. "Can't wait to get beaten," I said, sarcastically. "You should think about living with me," Dakota said. "I will, thank you." I got out and shut the door. I walked up to my door and opened it. I saw Eric on the couch. "Greg Anderson? Are you kidding me?" "They called you?" "Yup. Saw the bruises. They asked me if I beat you. Peter, you gotta be more careful. If I get arrested, you will not live to tell the story." "Maybe I should tell." Eric stood up. "Don't you dare." "Watch me." I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. Eric tackled me to the ground and threw my phone at the wall, hard, so it shattered. Eric punched me really hard in the face. "If I find out you called the cops on me, I will come back and kill you." Eric got off of me and kicked me on the side. He walked away from me. I got up and ran to him. I tackled him and started punching him. "How the fuck does it feel? Huh?" I shouted. I got up and kicked him in the stomach. I ran upstairs. "You're dead, Peter," I heard Eric shout. I picked my things and grabbed my keys. I felt an arm wrap around my neck. I couldn't breathe. I elbowed Eric in the stomach He let go of me and I turned around. "Where are you going?" Eric asked. "None of your damn business." "You are not leaving this house." I grabbed my suitcase. I ran out of the room. Eric pushed me down the stairs. I landed on the ground. Eric walked down the stairs. "I've been waiting a long time to hurt you so bad Now you're gonna get it." I got up quickly but he kicked me hard. I fell backwards. My stomach hurt so bad. Eric looked over and saw a vase on the nightstand. "No, Eric, please." He smiled and grabbed it. He threw it at me and it hit my face. Blood rolled down my face. I looked up at Eric. "Be back tomorrow or there will be consequences," Eric said. "You're letting me go?" "Yup. Now leave." I got up, grabbed my suitcase and my keys, and I ran out of the house. I drove so fast to Dakota's apartment. I knocked on the door. Dakota opened up the door. "Oh my fucking god. What the fuck happened?! I bursted into tears.

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