Chapter 30

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*Peter's POV cont*

"What do you mean she overdosed on pain killers? She didn't have any." "Well, we checked her blood and there were tracings of pain killers in her blood." I was so confused. "Will she be okay?" "I don't know. She's in a coma. It's a battle between life and death right now. We are just going to have to wait." "Can she hear anything?" "Yes she can." "Hey bro. I'm sorry. The parking was awful," Kam said. "Kam," I said, hugging him tightly. "It's okay, Peter. It's okay," he whispered as I cried. "I'll leave you two alone," the nurse said. The nurse walked away. Kam hugged me tightly as I cried. "She'll be okay, Peter," Kam whispered. "No she won't. It is a battle between life and death." "What do you mean?" "She's in a coma." "How?" "She overdosed on pain medications." "Bro, there's no pain killers in my house. How would she overdose on pain killers?" Kam asked. "I don't know. This happened after that drink she had. What if she mixed the pain killers in her drink?" I asked. "They are capsules so you can break them apart. You can pour the powder into your drink." "But why would she do that?" I asked. "I don't know. Maybe she was secretly depressed." "This is really weird," I said. Kam wiped the tears from my face. "Let's go see her. She can hear us, right?" Kam asked. "Yes she can." "Let's go talk to her." We walked inside her room. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand. "Baby, it's me Peter. I love you so much," I said, trying to hold back the tears. "You will be okay, baby. I won't let anything happen to you. You...You were and still is the greatest girlfriend ever. I...I can't ask for a better girlfriend. I you darling, with all my heart." I looked at Kam and tears were pouring down his face. I kissed Dakota's lips. "I'll be back tomorrow, baby." I looked at Kam. "Come on," he said. I walked over to him and he wrapped his arm around me. We left the hospital. We got to Kam's house. I sat down on the couch. "Here you go, bud," Kam said, handing me a beer. "Thank you," I said. Kam sat down next to me. "Hey, what if someone drugged her drink?" Kam asked, taking a sip from his beer. "Who would do that to her?" I asked, drinking my beer. "Eric, possibly. He did try killing her before." "Is Eric out of the hospital?" "I don't know. But he could be." "I doubt that..." "Dude, he tried killing her before." "Can we stop talking about this please before I start crying," I said. "Okay man." "Just why? Why me?" I ask, as I burst into tears. "Aw Peter. I'm so sorry," Kam said, hugging me. "She helped me through everything, everything. She picked up my broken pieces. She helped me when I felt like I didn't have anyone. She's my anchor." "She will be okay, Peter." "You dont know that," I snap at Kam. "Peter, you need to stay positive." "I am far from being fucking positive, Kam." I stand up. "Where you going?" Kam asked. "Not dealing with this crap, Kam." I stormed out of the room. Why Dakota? Why does everything bad have to happen to me? I walked outside and sat on the stairs in the back yard. I bursted out crying, thinking of all the memories I've had with her. How I used to bully her so much but that didn't stop her from trying to help me through what I've been through. She was my guardian angel. She never gave up on me. I looked up at the sky. "Mom, if you can hear this, please tell God to have Dakota keep fighting this. She is a very strong woman. I need her, ma. I need her," I said, crying. After a while of sitting outside crying, I went back inside. "Hey, I made you food," Kam said, handing me a plate of a cheeseburger with fries. "Kam, I'm not hungry," I said, softly. "Peter, you gotta eat." "I'm okay." I walked past him and went upstairs. I went into the guest room and laid on the bed. I looked at the time. 8 o'clock at night. Ugh I just want this day to be over. I looked up at the ceiling. I sighed at my mind going insane. I closed my eyes to try to fall asleep to get this nightmare out of my head. "Peter," I heard Kam say, shaking me. I woke up and looked over at the time. 2 am. I looked at Kam. "What do you possible want?" I asked. I looked at his hands and he was holding phone. "Why do you got my phone?" I asked. "It''s the hospital calling about Dakota. They need us to go down right now." I got up really fast. "Let's go." We raced downstairs and Kam drove us to the hospital. We rush right in. We ran down the hall to Dakota's room. "We need a doctor," a nurse shouted out of the room. "What's going on?" I asked. A doctor rushed over to us and runs into the room. I heard a lot of commotion going on. "Excuse me, can you tell me what's going on?" I asked the nurse. She looked at me. She walked out of the door way and shut the door. "Peter, we're losing her. They are doing everything they can right now, hun." My jaw dropped. My eyes didn't know whether to cry or not. My body went numb. I tried speaking but nothing was coming out. Kam grabbed me and held me close. "I am so sorry, Mr. Hernandez," the nurse said. She went back into the room. "Peter, lets sit," Kam said. My body couldn't move. "Peter." I stared at the door. My heart racing like crazy, knowing my girlfriend's chances are slim right now. After 5 minutes, the door opened. A doctor came out. "How is she?" Kam asked. The doctor looked at the ground. "No. No. No," I said, softly, knowing what he meant. "Peter, I..." I fell to my knees. I couldn't breathe. "Peter. Peter. Hey," Kam said, kneeling down next to me. He grabs me as I scream out crying. "Dakota," I shout. "Why? Why? Why?" I cry. Kam held me tightly, rocking me back and forth. The love of my life is dead.

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