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Aarav Sharma. 

Crude Business man of the year for the past 3 years at only 25 years old. He started his empire with his best friend, Neerav Raj, at the age of 18. And now, 7 years later they run the business world in India. Everyone feared him as he is 6ft tall with strong jaw line and muscular body and a cold face.

 Aarav was in his office, working on a new project that could take them international, he had asked Nisha, his secretary, to hold all calls and visits.

 He was in the zone, right in the middle of his work when the double oak doors to his office swung open to reveal his mother; Sneha Sharma.

"Aarav Shan Sharma! What in gods name do you think you're doing!?"

Aarav looked up from his laptop to see his fuming mother standing in the middle of his office. He let out a slow breath, closed his laptop, got up from his chair, and walked around his large desk towards his mother. He opened his arms and gave her a tight hug and said---"Amma, nice of you to visit, can I get you some coffee? Or chai?" ~ Mrs. Sneha Sharma was in no mood for her sons antics. She pushed Aarav off her and said---

"Don't touch me Aarav! Who do you think you are?? How could you embarrass me like that? I set you up with a good girl! And you don't even bother to show up to the date? Do you know how embarrassed I was when the Malhotra family called to tell me YOU stood up their daughter!? Do you not care about your mother?! Off course you don't! You never have and never will! I guess that is the fate of all mothers, they raise their children with such love, wanting them to be healthy and safe and successful and once the children are all grown up, making their own money they completely disregard what the mother says and continue living their stupid lives!" 

Mrs. Sneha walked toward the glass wall in Aarav's office and stared out at the big city with tears in her eyes, muttering to herself. 

Aarav stood there staring at the floor, knowing exactly why his mother was acting this way, but he refuses to fulfill her wishes, getting married and settling down, especially after what he saw happened to his parents but how could he tell his mother that he knows... Sneha's hand on his shoulder broke him from his thoughts.

"Beta(son), amma didn't mean to upset you, I should not have barged into your office and made a scene, I'm sorr--"  ~ Aarav covered his mothers mouth and spoke--- "amma! please..." ~ Aarav hated to see his mother sad, and now for her to apologize to him...he couldn't handle it. He finally decided to give in and give her what she wanted. Aarav took a deep breath and said---"okay, amma, I will marry who ever you choose. I don't even want to see the girl you pick out for me. But please amma, make sure it's a girl" ~ He joked to make the scene a little lighter, which caused a smile on his mothers face, she hit him lightly on his shoulder brought his head down to her and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

After his mother left his office, he sat in his chair, closed his eyes and thought about the one and only time he had caught his parents fighting. Aarav was 18 at the time, he was going to his parents room to ask his dad to go running together when he heard his father saying---

                "Sneha! it was a mistake and I promise it will never happen again, I was weak and we were fighting, so Iwent to another woman but I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you! I promise, sneha please! we are married, I love you, we have 2 kids!" ~ Ravi Sharma got on his knees and begged his wife, she stood there with her eyes closed, holding back tears.~ "Ravi...I...I will never forget this...but I will forgive you, for the sake of our kids..." ~ Sneha said, tears rolling down her cheeks, not having the strength to look at her husband.

Since then Aarav closed himself off from his father, they used to be very close, they went jogging every morning and he was very active in his sons activities, his father always found time for the family and Aarav respected and admired his father, but since that incident he never even looked at his father in the eye properly.

The ding from his cell phone snapped Aarav back to reality, he opened his eyes, took his phone off the desk and opened to see who had messaged him;

Amma: Hi beta! Heres the information of a lovely girl amma met while at the temple a week past, her family is not very well off, but she is such a gem! Since you stood up the Malhotra family, we will all go to her house to see her. 

Attached was a pdf, Aarav opened it to see;

                                                                                                    Daya Chandra 

                                                                                                     5'3 -  110lbs

"Daya..." ~Aarav read the name~ "she's short..and tiny...110lbs..I can bench more than that"

Aarav put his phone face down, he didn't want to deal with any other thoughts at the moment, he had a big project coming and his mother already interrupted when he was right in the middle of his zone, he opened his laptop and went straight to work.


Hello! this is my first! please comment and tell me where i can improve! thank you much!!!

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