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"Aarav...oh-that!! URGHHHHH!! HOW COULD HE!? Oh my god..what have I done...this is..I'M MARRIED! I'm married....? OH GOD!! Tonight is our first night...."~ Daya was pacing back and forth in her dressing room trying to make sense of todays events.

 Sneha(Aarav's mom) brought Daya to the room to get some rest, but rest was the last thing on Daya's mind. She was in a daze throughout her entire wedding, and is now making sense of the day's events.

 Daya was overwhelmed with emotions that all she wanted to do was run away...But after some deep breaths, she calmed herself down, saying she can't be a runaway bride, causing her family dishonor, especially when she kept her mouth shut about her uneasy feelings towards Aarav this whole time.

Daya needed to speak with Aarav. She had to tell him she was not ready for all this, that she needed time before she could consummate their marriage. Daya decided, and there was no stopping her. Daya walked towards the door overflowing with confidence. She reached over to open the door, and instantly got a flashback of her encounter with Aarav, when Aarav pushed Daya onto the bed, climbing on top of her, biting down on her ample bosom.

Daya's breathing started to change, she felt herself getting excited and nervous, her stomach was doing summersaults...she felt a sharp tingle between her legs....

"...fuck.."~ Daya let out breathlessly.~ "NO. I will talk to him. I can do this."

Daya pushed open the door, and went on her way to find her husband. Daya didn't make it much far before her mother and sister came towards her saying Daya had to get changed for the reception and eat some food. It was then that Daya realized she hasn't eaten anything the whole day, she had woken up at 5 today. For the past 10hours, Daya was in such a daze. 

Karthika(Daya's mom) rushed her daughter into the dressing room to get her outfit changed. They sat Daya in front of the mirror.

"Amma, whats the point of having Didi wear all these jewelry for only a few hours during the ceremony...I mean she's changing all her clothes for the reception now..Amma, for my wedding, I'm wearing a dress! Not a saree and especially not all this heavy jewelry" ~ Reshma went off on a rant while helping Daya take off her bangles.

"Wedding!? First, graduate from college!" ~ Karthika said laughing at her 22yr old daughter talking about marriage.

"Amma, I haven't graduated, and I'm married." ~ Daya said staring at her mother's reflection in the mirror. "The marriage was so sudden amma...I want to finish my school..."~Daya started to get teary eyed as she spoke~"I want a job..I want to have a degree, I want to do things in life...How can I do that now..."

Karthika walked over to Daya, placed her hands on Daya's shoulders and said ~"Daya, Beta please, do you really think your father and I would just let you go without thinking about all of these things? Are we that heartless baby?" 

~ Karthika turned Daya around, and helped her stand so they were face to face~

 "Daya, Aarav is a good man. And the family you are going to is much better than the one you grew up in. Daya, your father and I have already spoken to them about your studies. We actually wanted to wait until you graduated and had a job, so your able to stand on your own two feet! But it was them who wanted you quickly. And they promised that you would finish your studies and graduate and get a good job! Daya! They even offered to send you to the United States! Child we choose what we felt is right for you. We didn't find them, They came looking for you, they wanted you. We are not giving you away Daya. I hope you know that. I want you to know that your father and I love you so much and will always continue to do so. We will always be your home my sweet child. Always."

Mom and daughters were in tears at this point. ~ "Amma, Didi, stop it! My makeup will run!~ Reshma said hugging them both. ~"The Chandra girl's special day wouldn't be special without some tears, right didi?"~


Aarav was watching Daya carefully from across the room, He had his eye on her since the moment he saw Reshma walk in with Daya. And led her immediately to where the food was, where she started conversing with some of Aarav's cousins. 

"Daya has one of those personalities that she can get along with everyone, as long as she is well fed." Karthik(Daya's brother) spoke.

Aarav turned around to see Karthik looking in the same direction as he was, at Daya ~"Oh, was I being that obvious?"~ 

Karthik handed Aarav a glass of champagne and started to speak ~"She loves to eat, she has a sweet tooth, you know she gets up in the middle of the night to eat ice cream?"~ Karthik chuckled thinking of when he caught his sister in the kitchen with a tub of ice cream. Karthik looked at Aarav and said~ "Listen man, She is amazing. You got lucky. You make my big sister cry, and I promise you, I will end you."

Aarav looked at Karthik and said ~"understood."

And with that they clinked their glasses and went on talking about various things, but both had a watchful eye over Daya the entire time.

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