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Daya gripped Aarav's shirt tight in her hands and thrust her bosom forward. Within no time, Daya was kissing Aarav back with hunger in her throat.Aarav had found a spot in her body that made Daya loose control. 


Aloud horn from a passing truck broke their heated exchange. Daya quickly pulled back from their kiss and crossed her arms over her chest. She couldn't believe what she had done. Heat rose to Daya's cheeks, she had lost all control over herself for a moment and kissed back with such fiery passion.  She couldn't bear to look at Aarav after what they had just done. Aarav's intense stare and the slight proud smirk forming on his lips did not help Daya feel comfortable.

Daya lowered her head and turned away from Aarav. Aarav was about to speak when his phone started to ring from the roof their SUV. Daya took that opportunity to take a few steps away form Aarv and create some distance before she does or says something she probably shouldn't.

Aarav picked up the phone and saw it was Neerav calling. He turned his head to look at Daya, made sure she was in his eyesight before he answered the phone call.

"Yea."~ Aarav spoke into the phone. ~"I'll turn around now....On my way home. You got the tickets?"~ Aarav walked over to Daya and hugged her from behind. 

Aarav felt like he could be himself around Daya. After a long time of pushing people away, he felt sane at this very moment. He couldn't describe it or even knew why, but he felt joy in his heart.


Aarav pulled into the driveway of his home. Daya gazed out the window at the huge mansion in front of her wide-eyed thinking ~whaaaat...~

As they pulled around the long driveway, Daya saw her in-laws waiting for them by the front door. Sneha(Aarav's mother) had an Aarti plate (a metal plate with an open flame, flowers and etc.)  for the newlyweds. 

Aarav stopped the SUV in front of the stairs leading to the double doors. He got out without a  glance at Daya.  Daya noticed how his demeanor changed when he saw his family, but she didn't think too much of it since he has been driving all night long.

Daya stepped out of the car and was greeted with warm friendly faces. She looked around for her sister-in-law, but the only people in front of her was Sneha, Ravi(Father-in-law), and some other people she has not seen before.Sneha stepped forward excitedly to see her beautiful daughter-in-law and bless her before she took her first steps into her forever home.  

As Sneha started doing the aarti, Aarav walked into the house without saying a word to anyone. Daya found that very rude, and frowned at his actions. Sneha was used to her son's rude behavior and knew this would not have gone any differently. ~"Don't worry Daya, he is just like that."~ After the greeting by the front door, they all went inside and Sneha had Daya go into the Pooja room and pray to their family god Krishna(some traditional families have a specific god they pray to more than the rest.) 

Daya came out of the Pooja room and stood in the main hall for a second, taking everything in. She looked around the huge room, the high ceiling, expensive decor, it all seemed surreal.

~"HEY!"~ Aarav yelled from the railing upstairs, startling Daya. She turned around and looked up to see her husband in sweatpants and barechested, showing off his sculpted frame.  Seeing Aarav half naked gave Daya the tingling sensation between her legs that she still isn't used to. Daya quickly turned around and kept her gaze on the ground.~"Upstairs now."~ Commanded Aarav. 

Daya quickly started walking towards the main door, she thought she saw stairs by the door.~"god, I'm gonna get lost in this huge house.."~ On her way to the stairs she saw one of the people that greeted them by the steps.  She quickly walked over to the woman, and grabbed her hand and asked~"Didi! How do I get upstairs?"~ The woman turned around and immediately blushed and pulled her hand away from Daya. ~"Oh madam, I work here. Please don't call me didi, My name is Leela."~

Daya felt uncomfortable at Leela's remark. She was always taught to call people older than her didi or aunty. Daya smiled and said~"Oh, okay Leela...Aunty. Which way to upstairs? I seem to have lost everyone, where is Sneha aunty and everyone else?"~

Leela smiled, and felt grateful that the new daughter-in-law of the house was not acting snobby or rude, but instead called her aunty.~"Sneha Madam and Ravi sir are actually on the phone with your family, letting them know that you arrived."~

Daya felt a stamp in her heart when Leela mentioned her family. She couldn't believe she hadn't thought about her family since yesterday when she left the Shandi family home. Daya was about to run outside to the SUV to get her phone to call her parents when Aarav's authoritative voice called for her again. This time, he sounded pissed. ~"DAYA!"~ 

Leela whispered~"Sweetie you should hurry, Aarav does not like to wait. You can take these stairs or the elevator under the staircase."

Daya looked at Leela with a blank expression~ "an elevator?"

Leela pushed Daya towards the stairs saying~"hurry hurry"

Daya climbed up the stairs which felt like it took forever. By the time she was on top of the stairs, she felt out of breath and a little ashamed of how unfit she actually was. Daya looked around the spacious hallway and numerous widespread doors.~"this is a hotel. which room is his.."~ Daya said out loud.

Like Aarav heard her little mumble, a huge door in the middle of the hallway opened up to reveal Aarav in a towel with water dripping down his hair. He walked towards Daya with the intention of bending her over his knee for not coming when had initially called her. 

Daya took a few steps back as Aarav took walked towards her. Aarav took notice of this and stopped. He looked around, and through gritted teeth said~"get in the room now."


THE NEXT UPDATE WILL BE AN INTERIOR OF CHANDRA/SHARMA HOUSE SO YOU GUYS HAVE A VISUAL. I had promised earlier on that I will show the interior.

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